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    >> Biomatics, Gene Ontology(基因本体)
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     生物博士 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?天秤座1987-10-10

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    发贴心情 2005年科学家们愿望是什么?




    Id like a Star Trek teleporter so that international meetings wouldnt take so much travel time.
    Francis Collins,
    Director, US National Human Genome Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland

    I wish for something (anything!) to roll back the tide of federal rules and regulations that is killing medical and scientific research.
    John Moore
    AIDS researcher, Weill Medical College, Cornell University, New York

    Id like an increase in the space science budget and a European commitment to Mars exploration, please!
    David Southwood
    Head of science at the European Space Agency

    I wish for an end to politically motivated publication.
    John Quackenbush
    Geneticist at The Institute for Genomic Research, Rockville, Maryland

    I wish we humans would think galactically and act locally.
    Geoff Marcy
    Astronomer, University of California, Berkeley

    I wish we could unleash the might of molecular and genomic biology, bioinformatics and evidence-based clinical practice to harness the vast potential of traditional Chinese medicine.
    Paul Tam
    Paediatric surgeon, University of Hong Kong, China

    I hope for a global investment in ocean science to protect the marine ecosystems that sustain life on this planet.
    Barbara Block
    Marine biologist at Stanford Universitys Hopkins Marine Station on the Monterey Peninsula, California.

    I wish to be in Bolivia slightly over 65 million years ago, to travel along the shores of the vast inland sea that covered the country, looking out for herds of lumbering tyrannosaurs, and to convince myself that there really was once a sea here that turned into the Andean mountain range, rising over 4,000 metres high.
    Simon Lamb
    Geologist working on the origin of mountain ranges at Oxford University, UK.

    I wish for all of us to become responsible neighbours in public health, so that together we can stop the polio virus from spreading from country to country, and prevent other damaging pathogens from breaching the species barrier between animals and humans.
    David Heymann
    Head of communicable diseases at the World Health Organization and head of its campaign to eradicate polio.

    I would like the world to get its act together and address the top priorities where a very limited amount of money could do the very best for the worlds future: commit an extra US$50 billion to curbing HIV/AIDS, micronutrient malnutrition and malaria, while ending the trade and agricultural subsidies that hamper growth in the third world.
    Bjørn Lomborg
    Statistician at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, and author of The Skeptical Environmentalist

    All I want to do in 2005 is start observing the sky with our new Allen Telescope Array, instead of observing the fundraising campaign balance sheet.
    Jill Tarter
    Head of SETI Research at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California

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