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     pennyliang 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?白羊座1979-4-7

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    发贴心情 如何理解异常[转贴]

    1. Penny Liang
    12月29日 下午9时58分   显示选项

    发件人: "Penny Liang" <pennyliang...@software.nju.edu.cn> - 查找此作者的帖子  
    日期:Thu, 29 Dec 2005 21:58:46 +0800
    当地时间:2005年12月29日(星期四) 下午9时58分  
    主题:how to comprehend the concept of EXCEPTION
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    first, is exception object?,where it come from?

    as far as i know,exception come from tow source.
    1)someting unexpected error from outside of software itself
    2)someting unexpected error inside the software,however,most of them is not
    expection,and can't be fixed as bug later.

    expection is somehow kind of a signal just show something,then it don't like
    a object,its lifetime hard to tell both in routing itself or the caller.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Penny Liang


       2. Penny Liang
    12月29日 下午10时01分   显示选项

    发件人: "Penny Liang" <pennyliang...@software.nju.edu.cn> - 查找此作者的帖子  
    日期:Thu, 29 Dec 2005 22:01:17 +0800
    当地时间:2005年12月29日(星期四) 下午10时01分  
    主题:Re: how to comprehend the concept of EXCEPTION
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    2)someting unexpected error inside the software,however,most of them is not
    expection,and can be fixed like a bug later.[correct]

    Thanks & Regards,
    Penny Liang

    "Penny Liang" <pennyliang...@software.nju.edu.cn> &ETH;&acute;&Egrave;&euml;&Oacute;&Ecirc;&frac14;&thorn;

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    > first, is exception object?,where it come from?

    > as far as i know,exception come from tow source.
    > 1)someting unexpected error from outside of software itself
    > 2)someting unexpected error inside the software,however,most of them is
    > expection,and can't be fixed as bug later.

    > expection is somehow kind of a signal just show something,then it don't
    > a object,its lifetime hard to tell both in routing itself or the caller.

    > --
    > Thanks & Regards,
    > Penny Liang
    > Email:jackli...@vip.sina.com;pennyliang...@software.nju.edu.cn


       3. Penny Liang
    12月29日 下午10时03分   显示选项

    发件人: "Penny Liang" <pennyliang...@software.nju.edu.cn> - 查找此作者的帖子  
    日期:Thu, 29 Dec 2005 22:03:50 +0800
    当地时间:2005年12月29日(星期四) 下午10时03分  
    主题:how to comprehend the concept of EXCEPTION
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    first, is exception object?,where it come from?

    as far as i know,exception come from tow source.
    1)someting unexpected error from outside of software itself,most of them are
    exception which can't be predicted.
    2)someting unexpected error inside the software,however,most of them are not
    expection,and can be fixed as bug later.

    expection is somehow kind of a signal just show something,then it don't like
    a object,its lifetime hard to tell both in routing itself or the caller.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Penny Liang


       4. Michael Redlich
    12月30日 上午7时15分   显示选项

    发件人: "Michael Redlich" <m...@redlich.net> - 查找此作者的帖子  
    日期:29 Dec 2005 15:15:50 -0800
    当地时间:2005年12月30日(星期五) 上午7时15分  
    主题:Re: how to comprehend the concept of EXCEPTION
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    Hi, Penny:

    Penny Liang wrote:
    > first, is exception object?,where it come from?

    If I read your question correctly, you would like to understand the
    concept of an exception regardless of the programming language.

    The exception handling mechanism that is implemented in object-oriented
    programming languages such as C++ and Java was developed to eliminate
    the problem of checking an overabundance of special return values,
    e.g., 0 on success, -1 on error, that can obscure your programming

    Exceptions are "raised" within an application to signal that something
    truly exceptional happened during run-time.  Raising an exception
    involves "throwing" it to an exception handler.  The handler will
    either exit or resume gracefully without having causing a crash of some

    Here's an example of how an exception handler can gracefully resume
    application run-time.  Say you are iterating through a record set that
    you acquired from a database.  The data in the result set may have NULL
    values, but encountering a NULL value may cause a crash during
    run-time.  You can setup the exception handler to ignore the NULL value
    and just call the next value from the record set.

    C++ and Java have excellent exception handling mechanisms built-in to
    the language.

    I hope this helps...



       5. Penny Liang
    12月30日 上午9时28分   显示选项

    发件人: "Penny Liang" <pennyliang...@software.nju.edu.cn> - 查找此作者的帖子  
    日期:Fri, 30 Dec 2005 09:28:07 +0800
    当地时间:2005年12月30日(星期五) 上午9时28分  
    主题:Re: how to comprehend the concept of EXCEPTION
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    Thanks & Regards,
    Penny Liang

    "Michael Redlich" <m...@redlich.net> ????

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    > Hi, Penny:

    > Penny Liang wrote:
    > > first, is exception object?,where it come from?

    > If I read your question correctly, you would like to understand the
    > concept of an exception regardless of the programming language.

    > The exception handling mechanism that is implemented in object-oriented
    > programming languages such as C++ and Java was developed to eliminate
    > the problem of checking an overabundance of special return values,
    > e.g., 0 on success, -1 on error, that can obscure your programming
    > logic.

    > Exceptions are "raised" within an application to signal that something
    > truly exceptional happened during run-time.  Raising an exception
    > involves "throwing" it to an exception handler.  The handler will
    > either exit or resume gracefully without having causing a crash of some
    > kind.

    Raising an exception or"throw" is regarded as a kind of goto-clause,which
    find errors and rescue them centralized at a place which expcetion handler
    I dont think a routine should have the ability to raise expcetion, because
    we could predicit it ,expection at some extend means something unexpected.

    > Here's an example of how an exception handler can gracefully resume
    > application run-time.  Say you are iterating through a record set that
    > you acquired from a database.  The data in the result set may have NULL
    > values, but encountering a NULL value may cause a crash during
    > run-time.  You can setup the exception handler to ignore the NULL value
    > and just call the next value from the record set.

    null reference is an unexpected event sometimes,but i personly think it more
    like the responsibility of caller than that of routine itself,as Design by
    Contract viewpoint.

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    > C++ and Java have excellent exception handling mechanisms built-in to
    > the language.

    > I hope this helps...

    > Mike.


       6. Michael Redlich
    12月30日 下午10时35分   显示选项

    发件人: "Michael Redlich" <m...@redlich.net> - 查找此作者的帖子  
    日期:30 Dec 2005 06:35:33 -0800
    当地时间:2005年12月30日(星期五) 下午10时35分  
    主题:Re: how to comprehend the concept of EXCEPTION
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    Hi Penny:

    Penny Liang wrote:
    > Raising an exception or"throw" is regarded as a kind of goto-clause,which
    > find errors and rescue them centralized at a place which expcetion handler
    > control.
    > I dont think a routine should have the ability to raise expcetion, because
    > we could predicit it ,expection at some extend means something unexpected.

    In understand what your are saying, but I disagree.  Even though you
    can predict the possibility of an exception (such as not being able to
    open a file), you should still account for that possibility especially
    if having that file open is critical to the application.  You want to
    write robust, quality software, right?

    The exception handling mechanism in C++ and Java also has a
    stack-unwinding procedure to handle memory allocation from the point of
    the "throw" to the catch clause.  For example:

    int fred()
        return 0;

    void george()

    boolean harry()
        if(...) // some crazy condition
            throw("could not open file");
        return true;

    Function fred(), containing a try block and catch clause, calls
    functions george() and harry().  If an exception is thrown in harry(),
    the exception handling routines unwinds the stack by reversing the
    order of how the functions were called to look for an appropriate catch
    clause.  That is, it will go to function george(), which has no catch
    clause, then go to function fred() which does have a catch clause.  In
    that process, any live objects are destroyed which means that
    destructors are invoked in C++ and objects are marked for garbage
    collection in Java.

    I hope this helps...



       7. Dmitry A. Kazakov
    12月29日 下午11时32分   显示选项

    发件人: "Dmitry A. Kazakov" <mail...@dmitry-kazakov.de> - 查找此作者的帖子  
    日期:Thu, 29 Dec 2005 16:32:05 +0100
    当地时间:2005年12月29日(星期四) 下午11时32分  
    主题:Re: how to comprehend the concept of EXCEPTION
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    On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 21:58:46 +0800, Penny Liang wrote:
    > first, is exception object?,where it come from?

    Exception is not an object, but it can carry an object with.

    > as far as i know,exception come from tow source.
    > 1)someting unexpected error from outside of software itself
    > 2)someting unexpected error inside the software,however,most of them is not
    > expection,and can't be fixed as bug later.

    Exception is not an error in the sense of an illegal state. Otherwise it
    could not be handled. The states traversed by exception propagation are all
    legal. From this point of view an exception is like an non-local return.

    > expection is somehow kind of a signal just show something,then it don't like
    > a object,its lifetime hard to tell both in routing itself or the caller.

    This is a difficulty that one particular model faces: if you allow objects
    of any type to be attached to exceptions, then you have the problem that
    the lifetime of exception might exceed the object's scope, the scope of its
    type etc. Disliked Java's contract model of exceptions somewhat eases the
    problem, because it defines exception scopes and binds them to the scopes
    of subroutines. Another approach is upward closures, which is seems to be
    extremely heavy-weighted. Third approach is predefined frozen type of
    exception objects with clear disadvantages.

    Dmitry A. Kazakov


       8. H. S. Lahman
    12月31日 上午2时37分   显示选项

    发件人: "H. S. Lahman" <h.lah...@verizon.net> - 查找此作者的帖子  
    日期:Fri, 30 Dec 2005 18:37:45 GMT
    当地时间:2005年12月31日(星期六) 上午2时37分  
    主题:Re: how to comprehend the concept of EXCEPTION
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    Responding to Liang...

    > first, is exception object?,where it come from?

    Form the Dictionary of Computing: "An event occurring during execution
    of a program that makes continuation impossible or undesirable."  The
    key notion here is that the software has reached an unstable state where
    the expected results are no longer possible.

    Typically languages and OSes that formally support exceptions provide a
    "sideways" context switch where the current thread of control flow is
    aborted and processing continues elsewhere in the program.  The purpose
    of such support is to provide, at a minimum, a "graceful" abort of the
    program (e.g., with diagnostics) and, ideally, recovery from the
    unstable state (i.e., returning the software to a stable state) so that
    the program can continue to execute in at least some useful fashion.

    Sometimes the built-in exception handling facilities will collect
    information about the context of the instability for use by the
    exception handling code.  That information can be encapsulated in an
    object.  Similarly, the exception handling software may be encapsulated
    in an object.  But the exception itself is just a condition of
    execution, not an object.

    > as far as i know,exception come from tow source.
    > 1)someting unexpected error from outside of software itself
    > 2)someting unexpected error inside the software,however,most of them is not
    > expection,and can't be fixed as bug later.

    > expection is somehow kind of a signal just show something,then it don't like
    > a object,its lifetime hard to tell both in routing itself or the caller.

    Exceptions are often called 'signals' because originally the source of
    exceptions was a hardware interrupt from the ALU (e.g., zero divide).
    That is, the hardware interrupt signaled the existence of the exception
    condition to the OS and, possibly, the application.  (Modern use of DbC
    correctness assertions also allows exceptions to be signaled from the
    software itself.)

    Note that an exception is technically not a software error; it is simply
    the condition of instability.  In most cases that instability is direct
    a result of some software error, but it could be due simply to the
    original notion of hardware failure (e.g., the network is down).  That,
    however, segues to an important issue related to signaling exceptions.

    Generally one should only use exception handling to deal with truly
    unexpected conditions.  Whenever a potential condition is explicitly
    addressed in requirements (e.g., a policy for an invalid login is
    specified) or implicitly in the problem space (e.g., human users make
    typos and network nodes cannot be relied upon to always be "up"), then
    one should detect that condition and address it _within the normal flow
    of control of the program_.  IOW, such conditions are a reasonable
    expectation and there should be an explicit IF-and-branch in the code
    rather than signaling an exception for a "sideways" exit from the
    current code to processing by an handler elsewhere.

    [BTW, there are very good practical reasons for this.  Bullet-proof
    exception handling support is very difficult to implement properly
    because one cannot predict the nature of the instability (e.g., the call
    stack frame may be trashed or there may be no more resource memory to
    put up an informative dialog, inviting an infinite error loop).  As a
    result, good exception handlers tend to have substantial overhead, so
    that is a poor choice for routine context switching.  (OTOH, simplistic
    exception handling, as in C++, has less overhead but is not very safe at
    all so it tends not to work when one needs it most.)]

    There is nothing wrong with me that could
    not be cured by a capful of Drano.

    H. S. Lahman
    Pathfinder Solutions  -- Put MDA to Work
    blog: http://pathfinderpeople.blogs.com/hslahman

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