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    >> XML与数字内容安全(DRM,XrML,RDD, MPEG-21, XACML), XML传输的安全, 基于XML的签名,基于XML的加密
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     * 贴子主题: Request for requirements:must XACML policy references match internal policy identifiers 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
     菜籽 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?双鱼座1981-2-28

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    发贴心情 Request for requirements:must XACML policy references match internal policy identifiers

    The OASIS XACML Technical Committee is considering specifying the
    requirements on the PolicyIdReference and PolicySetIdReference elements
    more explicitly in XACML 3.0.  We would like feedback from XACML users
    and developers regarding the impact of this change.

    Proposed change:

         The value included in a Policy[Set]IdReference element SHALL
         match the value of the Policy[Set]Id XML attribute in the
         referenced policy.

    The current specifications do not clearly state this as a requirement.

    The XACML TC would like feedback from any implementers or users who
    would be affected by this proposed change.  Clearly, there must be only
    one Policy[Set] that can match any given Policy[Set]IdReference, but
    there are at least two use cases for letting different values in
    Policy[Set]IdReference instances refer to the same Policy[Set]: for
    examples, see

    If you depend on allowing policy references that do NOT match the
    internal policy identifiers, please

    1) Send us your use case(s).
    2) Indicate whether your usage is in a research implementation or in a
    commercial planned or production system.
    3) Let us know how difficult it would be for your system to adapt to the
    proposed change, if it were made.

    You are also invited to send use cases where the proposed change would
    simplify your usage of XACML.

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