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    发贴心情 OASIS News: 4 Sept 2007 [转帖]

    OASIS News
    4 Sept 2007

    Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements, accomplishments,
    and activities for the international open standards consortium.

    In this issue:
    * OASIS Standard ballot on ebXML Messaging opens 16 Sept
    * Public review begins for Production Planning and Scheduling (PPS) 1.0
    * TC forms OASIS DITA Help Subcommittee
    * Registration opens for free IDtrust workshop in Barcelona
    * London Forum will feature Election Markup Language (EML) InterOp
    * Open CSA posts program for free SOA educational event in California
    * Subscribe to XML Daily Newslink
    * Important dates

    OASIS Standard ballot on ebXML Messaging opens 16 Sept

    The OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC has submitted version 3.0 of its ebXML
    Messaging Services specification (Part 1, Core Features) to be considered as an
    OASIS Standard. ebXML Messaging defines the transport, routing and packaging of
    e-business transactions. On 16 Sept, a Call for Vote on ebXML Messaging 3.0
    will be issued to all OASIS member organizations. Members who wish to discuss
    this ballot may do so through member-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org.


    Public review begins for Production Planning and Scheduling (PPS) 1.0

    The OASIS PPS TC has approved version 1.0 of PPS as a Committee Draft and
    submitted it for public review. Comprised of three parts, PPS identifies core
    elements for composing XML documents for planning and scheduling in
    manufacturing industries. It also specifies transaction messages and profiles
    for each industrial context. The review ends 21 Oct.


    TC forms OASIS DITA Help Subcommittee   

    New work has begun to develop a top-level design for authoring of Help systems
    and user assistance content for implementation using DITA. An approved OASIS
    Standard for document creation and management, DITA builds content reuse into
    the authoring process. The OASIS DITA Help Subcommittee aims to make
    recommendations on the integration of DITA-authored Help systems and software
    applications using context-sensitivity. The group will also establish best
    practice guidelines. The subcommittee, chaired by Anthony Self, welcomes new
    participation. Those involved in tool development with expertise in Help
    systems are especially encouraged to contribute to this effort.


    Registration opens for free IDtrust workshop in Barcelona

    The OASIS IDtrust Member Section is hosting a free workshop in conjunction with
    the Burton Group's Catalyst conference in Barcelona, Spain on 22 Oct.
    Presentations will focus on the critical need for strong identity management
    initiatives, protocols, and standards supported by scalable, data-protection
    and integrity services. Speakers will include Abbie Barbir of Nortel, John Sabo
    of CA, Eve Maler of Sun Microsystems, Anthony Nadalin of IBM, Juan Carlos
    Cruellas of CATCert-Agencia Catalana de Certificacio, and others.


    London Forum will feature Election Markup Language (EML) InterOp

    This year's Open Standards Forum, hosted by OASIS and the Butler Group, will
    feature an EML interoperability demonstration by members of the OASIS Election
    & Voter Services TC. Used in both public and private organisations, the EML
    OASIS Standard extends to all aspects of the election process and has been
    adopted by hardware, software,
    and service providers. Attendees of the Open Standards Forum will participate
    in a mock election, which will show how EML can be used in a multi-channel
    e-voting ballot involving several suppliers.


    Open CSA posts program for free SOA educational event in California

    On 18 Sept, the OASIS Open Composite Services Architecture (Open CSA) Member
    Section will sponsor a full day of public educational sessions on the Service
    Component Architecture (SCA) at the SAP facility in Palo Alto, California. SCA
    simplifies SOA application development by defining a flexible model for
    creating business solutions using service components. The educational sessions
    are free and open to the public; however, registration is required.


    Subscribe to XML Daily Newslink

    XML Daily Newslink is a free email newsletter that provides an overview of the
    latest information on XML and related standards. Edited by Robin Cover,
    managing editor of the Cover Pages, XML Daily Newslink helps subscribers stay
    on top of what's important by delivering daily recommendations of news
    articles, technical reports, conference papers, blogs, and announcements. The
    newsletter is sponsored by BEA, EDS, IBM, Primeton, SAP, and Sun Microsystems.
    Archives are publicly accessible, and everyone is invited to subscribe.


    Important dates

    16 Sept:
      OASIS Standard ballot on ebXML Messaging 3.0 opens

    18-20 Sept:
      Open CSA holds SCA educational sessions, plenary, and TC meetings

    22 Sept:
      Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) public review ends
    21 Oct:
      Production Planning and Scheduling (PPS) 1.0 public review ends

    22 Oct:
      IDtrust holds free Catalyst workshop in Barcelona

    29-30 Oct:
      OASIS and Butler Group host Open Standards Forum in London

    **Membership Tip #43**

    Schedule a briefing with OASIS staff to explore the range of standards
    activities that relate to your business.

    OASIS News is published in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian. Volunteers
    to translate the newsletter into other languages are welcome; contact

    Archives: http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis_news_archive.php


    [Un]Subscribe/change address: http://www.oasis-open.org/mlmanage/

    Alternately, subscribe via email: news-subscribe@lists.oasis-open.org

    Unsubscribe via email: news-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org

    List Guidelines: http://www.oasis-open.org/maillists/guidelines.php/

    Join OASIS: http://www.oasis-open.org/join/

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