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    发贴心情 超可爱的伦敦人看完开幕式后……(顺便学学英语)


       时间:奥运开幕式后    地点:伦敦


      1. breathtaking adj. 非常激动人心的, 壮观的

      2. impressive adj.给人印象深刻的, 感人的

      3. spectacular adj.壮观的, 雄伟的, 引人入胜的

     4.beat V. 打败

      5. commentary n.实况报道, 解说词

      6. awful adj. 糟糕的, 可怕的

      7. outfit n.套装


      8. clap v. 鼓掌,拍手



       1.I cant wait for this, does anyone know if the BBC plan to show this in HD?

      我实在等不及了,谁知到BBC高清会播放这台节目吗? cann't wait for sb/sth 等不及

      2. heh. this is already twenty times better than the UK can do.

      呵呵,这已经超过我们英国20倍了。 xx times better than 好XX倍

      3. Those fireworks were breath-taking.The London ceremony will be rubbish compared to this whatever we do.We just can't pull off this sort of thing very well

      焰火真的很壮观。伦敦的开幕式与此相比将会是垃圾。我们根本无法完成这些事情。 brethtaking adj. 非常激动人心的, 壮观的 pull off 胜利完成

       4. They're letting nobody at all down right now

      他们现在没有让任何人失望。 let sb. down 让某人失望

      5. Just seen the little girl singing - awwww The images of the olympic rings made up of lights (?) was spectacular.

      就看那个小女孩唱歌就好了-哇呜 奥运五环是光组成的? 太好看了。 spectacular adj.壮观的, 雄伟的, 引人入胜的

      6.This is amazing what a breath taking ceremony!

      太好看了,令人惊叹。 amazing adj. 令人惊异的

       8.The commentary is poor and cliched.

      评论的太垃圾了。 commentary n. 新闻评论 cliche: 陈词滥调

      9. The London organisers will have a hard time beating this.

      伦敦的组织者接下来的日子不好过啊,想打败中国的话。 have a hard time 一段艰难时间

      10. Ling the scroll and the projection.

      喜欢卷轴画和投影。 scroll n. 纸卷

       11. They're basing it lots on ancient cultural stories and traditions, not something we have so much of to use in 2012. Think we'll put on a pretty good show though in a very british way.

      他们有古老的文化和传统积淀,我们自己的可以在2012年用到的却很少。想想我们该用怎样的方式展示呢。 in a British way: 以英国自己的方式

      12. the commentary on bbc is banal and did they really have to tell us what was going to happen before it happened

      BBC的评论员太没劲了,老是在表演前告诉我们接下来要发生什么。 banal adj. 乏味的平庸的

      13. Those commentators are awful, I wish they'd shut up.

      这些评论员真恶心,闭嘴。 shut up :闭嘴

       14. I prefer to view this as taking the pressure off of us for 2012. We can't hope to even come close so we probably shouldn't even bother trying as we'd just waste money and embarass ourself. Just bring the atheletes in and get on with it.

      我感到这是件好的事情,替我们解除了压力。我们反正是无法超越了,那就省点钱和省了到时候自己难堪。直接把运动员带来比赛吧。 embarass v. 使尴尬

      15. The Tai Chi men are amazing - in complete sync.

      表演太极太厉害了,动作完全一致。 sync n. 同时,同步

      16. it's bloody spectacular.

      异常好看!(bloody 了都)

       17.- we don't have thousands of years of history, legends etc to draw on.

      - Are you mixing up the UK with America?

      - we have a huge amount of history and accomplishments. It's not like we're Australia.



      板凳:我们有的,你以为我们是澳大利亚啊。 mix up : 混淆

       18. chinese: we can do it.

      Brits: moan moan moan


      英国:郁闷 郁闷 郁闷 moan v.抱怨,悲伤

      19.The London 2012 organisers are in crisis talks after watching that. "Cancel the Spice Girls; we're going to need something bigger.

      伦敦2012组织委员会看完后,感到了巨大的压力:"我们要取消火辣女孩的表演,整点大规模的。" in crisis: 处于危机中

       20.Is this repeated later? I missed the first hour.

      还会重播吗?我错过了前一小时。 miss v. 错过

      21.- Does anyone know the exact order they're coming out in? I know it's the number of strokes in the countries' names but I can't find an actual list anywhere.

      -- We're at number 75

      -- We are at number 115.

      —I meant that we were watching country number 75 at the time of posting,sorry







       楼主:(晕ing) (看来这次是把老外弄得云里雾里的) stroke n. 一画,一笔

      22.Absolutely spectacular opening ceremony. Heaven knows how we will beat it!

      绝对是壮观的开幕式,天知道我们怎么打败他们啊! beat v. 战胜

      22. Do the crowd get a toilet break at any point, 5 hours is a long time when you've got (I presume) refreshments.

      那么多人有时间上厕所没?5个小时怎么忍得啊? refreshment n. 重获活力,精神

      23. Very boring outfits GB'ers.

       咱们的衣服丑死啦。 GB:Great Britain 大不列颠

      24.The Yanks look like a group of sailors, lol.

      纽约佬(美国人)看起来像一群水手,嘿嘿。 Yanks:纽约佬(俚) 1o1:laugh out loud ,大声的笑

      25.The poor Chinese women in white who started off stomping and jumping. I went off did some work and came back to the feed, now they are barely lifting their feet of the floor. They'd have probably done the marathon now if they had actually been moving.

      可怜的穿白裙子的中国姑娘们,从一开始就在那里跳啊蹦啊,我出去了一会,然后回来吃了点东西,她们现在只能踮起脚尖了,照这样的运动,她们其实已经跑了一个马拉松了。 marathon n. 马拉松

      24. I quite like the Chinese men's outfits. Not so sure about the women's.

       我非常喜欢中国男队礼服,女的不怎么样。 outfits: 礼服

      25. I love the torch/lighting the cauldron bit the best.

      我最喜欢火炬点燃大锅炉(火炬塔)那段。 cauldron n. 大锅炉

      26.I'm actually amazed by that. I'm very rarely speechless.

      我被惊呆了,我很少这样的。 speechless adj. 由于震惊说不出话来

      27.Absolutely gobsmacked……

       gobsmacked:1. 形容词 大吃一惊的,强调对某事感到吃惊的

      28.Incredible. That is all I can say.

      一个词,难以置信。 incredible adj. 难以置信的,不可思议的

      29. -Yep, bumbling Boris will be there to recieve the torch

      - Oh how amazing would it be if they let him run around the top of the bird's nest stadium.

      -just fire to Boris' hair for the torch in 2012, that would be memorable. I bet he wouldn't even notice til the closing ceremony.

       楼主:耶! 装模作样的Boris(现伦敦市长)该去接火炬了。



      30. I loved all of it, from the opening with the amazing drummers onward. I've been to China years ago and it has changed out of all recognition. I did find some - only some - of the BBC commentary tiresome - the Olympics is supposedly about young people coming together for friendly sports and games, yet the commentary repeatedly got stuck on one country or another's dismal relations with another or something political or environmental for which none of the people appearing in the parade was responsible. I do want the BBC to educate and inform but this wasn't the place. I wish they'd give their tiresome obsession with negativity and world problems a rest. This was for entertainment. It was not a Chinese state event but a global party of goodwill and fun. I jsut wish they had stuck with the cultural and historical explanations.


      31. Good old Britain - everyone's so negative about something!It won't be as precise and epic as China's I don't think, but somehow I hugely doubt it will be a bad ceremony.

       啊 善良的不列颠人啊 每个人都那么的消极!我们虽然不会像中国那样史诗般,但也不会太差吧。 epic n. 史诗 如 《伊里亚特》、《神曲》

      32. And it was nice that we got some cheers as well!

      我们也得到了欢呼,太好了。 cheer: 欢呼

      33. When quite unbelievable olympic rings floating up into the air (i was verging on tears seeing that!!!) the best part of the fireworks was the giant footprints going towards the stadium ..... and i wanted all the athletes to go round AGAIN, just for the hell of it,i think i only got up about three times during the whole thing ..... just mesmerising

      当奥运五环不可思议般的升起的时候,我几乎要流泪了。最好看的是脚印焰火走向主体育场…… 我多希望运动员重来,就让我再多看一次。整个过程我只站起来3次……被催眠了

      mesmerise:v. 施以催眠,迷住

       34. I will be glued to my tv for the next 2 weeks.

      接下来的2周我要粘在电视上啦。 glue:V. 粘住 n. 胶水

      35.Stunning, absolutely stunning.

      牛B,揍是牛B。 stuning adj. 出色的,漂亮的,了不起的

      36. My jaw hit the floor at several points throughout the ceremony.

      在整个开幕式演出中我激动了好几次。 jaw hit the floor:(俚语)激动过头 原意是下颌磕到地了

       37. "I'm staggered people don't know what Britain's culture is, Britain is the world's foremost literary culture, the world centre of theatre and playwriting, and of quality media. Think of Shakespeare, Austen…… Britain is the world centre of news media. BBC… and the British had the first newspapers and still read more newspapers than any other nationality in the world……"

      "Half that is nothing though, how can you put "Britain had the first newspapers and still read the most" in a opening ceremony?! "

      楼主: 我很困惑人们不知道自己的文化,我们有世界上最著名的文化遗产,我们世界戏剧中心和剧作家,想想我们的莎士比亚,狄更斯,奥斯汀…… 我们有世界媒体中心BBC,还有第一家并迄今为止仍广泛流传的报纸……


      37. Our opening will be the Monty Python theme with a giant foot crashing down into the stadium to squash Boris Johnson. The athletes then enter to the Benny Hill theme and we end with Sir Stephen Redgrave (wearing requisite health and safety approved hard hat, hi-viz jacket and steel-capped boots) lighting a carbon neutral, marsh-gas flame that is surrounded by the mandatory five different types of fire extinguisher and health and safety notices. Finally six bangers go off in the car park.


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