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    发贴心情 chinglish不地道的英语 让我们尴尬并快乐着

    chinglish不地道的英语 让我们尴尬并快乐着  

       “‘in’是‘进入’,‘place’是‘处所’,放在一起差不多就是‘入口处’吧。”白云山极限运动区的一个工作人员如是说。该区的入口处就是按照这个思路标识的,实际上:“in place ”意思是恰到好处、恰当位置。虽然这个指示牌是有功能的,虽然它会给不懂中文的外国游客带来误解和麻烦,但我还是不得不说,负责翻译的工作人员相当富有想像力,简直像胡戈一样富有恶搞的天才。让人疑惑的只是,这样有天赋的人,怎么会连“entrance ”这样的初中词汇都不知道?难道他是故意的?

        说起来中文和英文真是两套很不一样的语言系统,所以字对字词对词地翻译过去,经常都是错的,而且经常充满喜剧感。比如:把“混蛋”翻成“mixed egg ”(混合的鸡蛋);把“美中不足”翻成“America China not enough ”(美国、中国、不、足够);把“心花怒放”翻成“heart flowe rangry open ”(心、花朵、愤怒的、打开)。更搞笑的是,把“一次性卫生杯”翻成“sex hygene cup of once ”(五个词的意思分别是:性、卫生、杯子、的、一次),据说这几个英文单词赫然出现在某个牌子的纸杯的包装袋上,一时传为笑话,大家纷纷抢购……

        这种中国人自创的极不地道的英语,就叫chinglish 吧。关于chinglish 的段子还有很多,传来传去很夸张。通常也没有人去认真追究,添油加醋的就变成了茶余饭后的笑谈。有一些chinglish 流传很广,像“good good study ”(好好学习)、“give you some colors see see ”(给你一点颜色看看)、“you ask me ,me ask who ?”(你问我,我问谁),人们频繁地使用它们,并不造成什么误会,反而增添交谈的乐趣,有效地传达说话人轻松调侃的态度。

        正规的指示牌、政府公告,专门与外国人交流的,那当然要翻译得准确地道,绝对不能出现chinglish 。像白云山上出现这么低级的错误,确实让人觉得很丢脸。可是日常生活中的chinglish 其实很难避免。与外国人的交流只会越来越多,总不能要求每个中国人都说一口毫无瑕疵的英文。大胆地说chinglish ,总比绝口不说英语好;会一两个单词,总比一个单词不会好。

        何况chinglish 还能带来很多乐趣。本来是让人尴尬的笑话,后来却成了让人愉快的笑话。就好像衣服上染了一个污点,巧手的人顺势在上面绣出一朵花来,很多小小的错误,反是生活的乐趣。

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/11/18 15:19:00
     hjx_221 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    一国两制 One Country, Two Systems

    An idea formally put forward by Deng Xiaoping, then leader of China, in the early 1980s to reunify the country.

    Deng suggested that there should only be one China, but the regions of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, once reunified with the rest of the country, could retain their original economic and political systems while other parts keep pursuing socialism.

    This arrangement was observed when the country resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong and Macao in 1997 and 1999 respectively. The two cities are now the special administrative regions of the country with a high degree of autonomy.

    The central government has also proposed the idea to the Taiwan authorities to speed up the reunification of China.

    三通Three Direct Links

    Shorthand for direct links in post, transportation and trade between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. Direct communication across the Taiwan Straits in most social and economical terms virtually stopped after the Kuomintang forces retreated to Taiwan in 1949. And the contacts, if any, were routed through intermediate places, mainly Hong Kong and Macao.  

    In the early 1980s, the central government appealed to the Taiwan authorities for opening "three links". The latter has consistently refused, but had to make concessions in the face of growing cross-Straits exchanges. "Three mini-links" was opened in 2001 between Fujian Province and the islands of Jinmen and Matsu in Taiwan. Cross-Straits charter flights were approved in 2003 for the Lunar New Year and the flights were arranged in 2006 for three other traditional Chinese festivals.

    和谐社会A Harmonious society

    A blueprint for social development featuring decent living standards for the majority of people, a tolerant society and peaceful coexistence between the human society and nature.

    The concept was first floated in 2004 and then amplified in October 2006, when the Party set specific goals for building a harmonious society by 2020. The goals range from fostering the rule of law, substantial protection for private property, developed public services to foster creativity and more efficient use of resources.

    Stemming from ancient Chinese ideas about harmony, the blueprint underlines the need to fine tune relations between different social entities. The idea also appears in the country's foreign policy, particularly its call for "a harmonious world".

    大部制 Super-Ministry System

    A very recent idea to restructure central government offices so that ministries, commissions and departments of the State Council with similar or overlapping functions can be merged into super-ministries. This scheme has been introduced in a reshuffle of the State Council approved by the National People's Congress in March to improve efficiency, reduce the cost of policy making and its execution, and straighten out problematic chains of command. Five super-ministries respectively overseeing industry, transport, housing and construction, human resources and the environment were established.

    Based upon the current changes, the central government vowed to undertake further administrative reforms in the future.

    三个代表 Three Represents

    Shorthand for the call that the Communist Party of China (CPC) provides insight and leadership for economic and cultural progress, and commit itself to public good.

    Former CPC General Secretary Jiang Zemin, who was credited with its creation, literally admonished his comrades to "represent the development trend of China's most advanced productive forces, the orientation of China's most advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people".

    The theory is the result of deliberations of the CPC's third-generation leaders on legitimacy and Party-building. At the 16th CPC National Congress in 2002, it was formally written into the Party Constitution.

    科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development

    A concept initiated by the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2003. It stresses a comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development that is people-orientated. With priority on addressing the needs and protecting the rights of the people, the country will not only grow in economic terms, but also in political and cultural terms. The growth aims to bridge regional disparity, the urban-rural gap, protect resources, and the environment.  

    This concept is the core of policies by the CPC's current leaders headed by Hu Jintao. At the 17th CPC National Congress in October 2007, it was formally included in the Party Constitution.

    双拥 Double Support

    Shorthand for the administrative effort to enhance ties between the army and civilian communities. In essence, the expression means local governments and common people should support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of service people, particularly those killed while on the job, while soldiers should support the government and love the people.


    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/11/18 15:26:00
     hjx_221 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    In connection with this effort, schools offer training programs to soldiers, while common people provide technological consultations and donate books and the use of other facilities to the army. In return, the army helps deal with natural disasters, major construction projects and other difficulties.

    保持党员先进性教育Campaign to Educate Party Members to Preserve Their Vanguard Nature

    A campaign by the Communist Party of China to educate its members to stick firmly to the principles of the Party and serve the people so as to keep the Party's vigor and leading role in the country.

    From January 2005 to June 2006, the country's 68 million Party members participated in the special education program. They refreshed their knowledge about the important theories of the Party at different periods, solidified their loyalty to the Party and improved the efficiency of the grass-root organizations of the Party in serving the people.

    和平共处五项原则 Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

    A set of norms governing relations between nations first raised by China. Put forward by then Premier Zhou Enlai in 1953 during negotiations between China and India, the five principles were originally meant to maintain friendly ties. Under the principles, both sides agreed to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of each other, not to invade the soil of each other, do not interfere in each other's internal affairs, the ties should be equally based, and mutually beneficial for the two countries to coexist peacefully.

    The five principles have been widely accepted in bilateral relations between China and many other countries. One of the corner stones of China's foreign policy, it has also become an important part in the law on international relationships.

    社会主义荣辱观 Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace

    An idea put forward to instill a value of moral standards among the public, especially youngsters, in line with Chinese traditional values and modern virtues.

    The concept underscores the value of patriotism, consciousness of serving the people, belief in science, hard work, solidarity, honesty, observation of the law and plain living. It condemns the opposite of these virtues as disgraces.

    It was raised by Hu Jintao, general secretary of the Communist Party of China, in March 2006. And the concept is also known as "eight honors and eight disgraces".

    "三讲" 教育 "Three Emphasis" Education

    A campaign by the Communist Party of China (CPC) to remind Party officials to pay more attention to theoretical study, improve their political awareness, and be honest and upright.

    Jiang Zemin, then CPC general secretary, pointed out in November 1995 that Party officials should improve their self-education in the three aspects. And a national campaign was soon started among all Party officials. A conference was held in December 2000 which hailed the campaign as a success. CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao said the move had boosted the individual capabilities of Party members and the internal governance of the Party as well.

    党务公开 Open Management of Party Affairs

    An institutional arrangement for branches of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at all levels to improve transparency.

    According to this principle, Party branches are obliged to make their processes for making decisions and carrying out activities as well as their achievements known to other Party members according to the characteristics of the issues. And if the issues are closely related to the interests of the public, the Party branches should also publicize their work to all. Formally included in the CPC Constitution in 2007, this principle was part of the CPC's effort to promote democracy within the Party, protect the democratic rights of Party members and enhance the internal supervision of the Party.

    爱国统一战线 Patriotic United Front

    A political union of all socialist laborers, patriots supporting socialism and patriots supporting the unification of China.

    First raised as the "ethnic united front" in 1935 by the Communist Party of China (CPC), it was meant to join the powers of all social groups regardless of their class, wealth and political positions to fight against the Japanese aggressors during the World War II.

    Despite changes in the specific concept and target of the union under different historical conditions, this union has remained a key strategy of the CPC to mobilize all social sectors to achieve the contemporary goals it sets for the country.

    Part of institutional arrangements for the country to consolidate and develop the people's dictatorship, this union was embodied in the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, whose members include people from the CPC, the eight non-communist parties and other social groups.

    南巡讲话 South Tour Speeches

    A series of speeches delivered by the late leader Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of China's reform and opening-up, during his inspection tour of southern Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, and Shanghai in early 1992. Targeted at domestic misgivings and confusion among some scholars and even officials about the country's reform and development, Deng put forward some new viewpoints on a series of crucial issues, such as the core of Marxism, the essence of socialism, market economy, and how to emancipate and develop productivity. The significant speeches outlined an unequivocal path for the country's further reform and opening-up and have greatly driven its political, economic, and social development.

    实事求是 To Seek Truth from Facts

    A term stressing that facts or practices are the single standard by which to judge whether a theory is valid. It is one of the core ideas of the Communist Party of China about socialism with Chinese characteristics. Repeatedly stressed by different generations of leaders, this term was formally raised by Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s. It was to mobilize the country to look for means of development in economic and political terms feasible and suitable for China rather than those based on political ideology. It is still part of the principles for the CPC stipulated in its constitution. It is also a popular term extensively used in different aspects of social life.

    与时俱进 Keep Up With the Times

    An expression that has become popular in official documents and speeches, accentuating the need on the part of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to keep pace with the rapid changes that have taken place in society.

    First appearing in former President Jiang Zemin's speech commemorating the 80th anniversary of the CPC's founding on July 1, 2001, the expression was included as part of the theme for the Party's 16th National Congress in 2002. Under the principle, the Party vowed to adapt its ideology and work in tune with the latest developments in and out of the country to better serve the people.

    信访 Letters and Visits

    A special term referring to actions of citizens or institutions to give information, make comments or suggestions and lodge complaints to the special administrative department in charge of receiving them through various forms. Letters and visits from the grassroots were lauded by State leaders as having remarkable significance in enhancing ties between the government and the people. Individuals and institutions could write letters or pay visits to the relevant department when they have information about or want to complain about the performance of the administrative organization, enterprise or institutions supplying public services as well as about their staff members. Departments receiving letters and visits are required to process the information and complaints according to a State Council regulation first adopted in 1995 and revised in 2005.

    星火计划 Spark Program

    A State effort to popularize modern technologies in the rural areas to stimulate rural development and raise the farmers' income. Started in 1986, the program offers support to technological projects easily applied and developed in rural areas, encourages factories and small businesses to develop these projects with incentives in several aspects, holds training courses in rural businesses and promotes agricultural technology among farmers. By 2006, local governments invested 14.3 billion yuan while the central government contributed 363.1 billion yuan to the program.

    以人为本 Put People First

    An idea of the Communist Party of China (CPC) stresses that boosting the people's interests and development are the purpose of the Party as well as the State. Formally raised during the third plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee in October 2003, this idea was tagged as the core of the scientific outlook of development by general secretary Hu Jintao in his report on the 17th CPC National Congress in 2007. As a ruling party, the CPC vowed to expand the people's interests, respect the people's position in political life, give play to their creativity and let them share the benefits of development.

    两岸直航包机 Direct Chartered Flight Across the Taiwan Straits

    Flights between designated airports on the Chinese mainland and Taiwan during major Chinese festivals. Regular flights have been cut off between the two sides since 1949. In 2003, the Taiwan authorities allowed Taiwan airlines to fly Taiwan people living in the mainland with chartered flights from Shanghai for the Spring Festival. As a trust-building step, chartered flights were added in 2006 during three other holidays: Tomb Sweeping Day, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid Autumn Festival. Airlines from both sides were allowed and the flights stopped at four mainland cities and two Taiwan cities. Negotiations are underway to arrange the chartered flights weekly or even more frequently.

    基层群众自治制度 System of Community Level Self-Governance

    A grassroots democratic system in which rural and urban citizens manage the public affairs in their organizations and communities. Composed of the villagers' committee in rural areas, neighborhood committee in urban areas and the conference of workers and staff in businesses, the system enables the members to carry out democratic elections, decision-making and supervision. An important part in the country's political democracy, it was stressed as a fundamental system to adhere to in improving the socialist political system by General Secretary Hu Jintao in his report to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2007.

    多党合作和政治协商制度 System of Multi-party Cooperation and Political Consultation

    A basic political system in China under which the Communist Party of China (CPC), as the party in power, consults all non-Communist parties and representatives of non-party personages to reach a common understanding before taking major decisions. Formally established in 1949 when New China was founded, the system is practiced through various forms. The two major forms are the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, of which non-Communist party members and non-party personages are members, and the consultative conferences attended by non-Communist parties and unaffiliated democrats who are invited by the CPC bodies at different levels.

    依法治国 Rule of Law

    A fundamental principle of governance that stresses that the country should be administered in accordance with the law.

    It was formally raised as a fundamental principle in 1997 when former general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Jiang Zemin delivered his report to the 15th National Congress of the CPC. He stressed the principle should be fully observed as "socialist democracy is gradually institutionalized and codified so that such institutions and laws will not change with changes in the leadership or changes in the views or focus of attention of any leader."

    This principle was reiterated by General Secretary Hu Jintao during the 17th CPC National Congress in 2007.

    民主集中制 Democratic Centralism

    A principle of organization in the Communist Party of China (CPC) as well as in the country's political life, stressing both democracy and centralism. Enunciated originally by Vladimir Lenin, the principle stresses that the Party members have the freedom to discuss and debate matters of policy and direction, but must support the final decision once it is reached through a majority vote. Individuals must obey the Party or the organization, the minority must obey the majority, the lower levels of organizations must obey the ones at the upper level. It is one of the most important principles adopted by the CPC at its early stage and is upheld till now.  

    政企分开 Separate Government Functions from Enterprise Management

    An effort to draw a clear line between the roles of the administration and of the businesses. Under the planned economy, the extensive involvement of the government in economic operations resulted in the government making commercial decisions for the businesses and the State-owned enterprises offering public services to their employees, ranging from medical care to education. Since the country introduced the economic reform, it became a major mission for the government to separate the functions of the administration from those of the enterprises in order to improve the efficiency of both.

    农转非 Change From Rural Residents to Urban Residents

    A change in the residential status of people under the household registration system.

    Since the household registration system was established in the 1950s, residents were put into two categories, urban and rural, according to where they lived. While urban residents enjoyed relatively better social security as industrial workers, rural residents had to depend on farming for a living.

    Rural people could obtain urban registration under special circumstances, like entering universities or becoming army officers. This was difficult to achieve, but viewed as a quick way to a better life, especially in the 1970s and 1980s.

    As the country began to reform, so did the household registration system. The supply of commodities became more abundant on the market, and the difference in welfare of urban and rural residents was narrowed.

    863计划 863 Program

    A government program to stimulate the development of advanced technologies. The figure "863" comes from the fact that it was created in the third month of 1986.

    Approved by former leader Deng Xiaoping, the program aims at lifting China's own efforts in scientific and technology research as well as in commercializing the benefits of the research. The program's specific plan gives preference to research in biology, information technology, astronautics, laser technology, automation, energy technology, and new materials.

    A milestone in the history of scientific progress, the program has boosted China's independent research capability, laying a solid foundation for economic and social growth.


    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/11/18 15:30:00
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