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    >> 本版讨论Java, J2SE, J2ME, J2EE, 以及Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder等Java开发环境,还有JSP, JavaServlet, JavaBean, EJB以及struts, hibernate, spring, webwork2, Java 3D, JOGL等相关技术。
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       本主题类别: Web Services    
     hongjunli 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?魔羯座1978-1-20
      等级:研二(中了一篇WWWC Poster)(版主)

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    This cookbook offers practical solutions and advice to programmers charged with implementing a service-oriented architecture (SOA) in their organization. Instead of providing another conceptual, high-level view of SOA, this cookbook shows you how to make SOA work. Full of Java and XML code you can insert directly into your applications, Java SOA Cookbook focuses primarily on the use of free and open source Java Web Services technologies.

    Java SOA Cookbook offers practical solutions and advice to programmers charged with implementing a service-oriented architecture (SOA) in their organization. Instead of providing another conceptual, high-level view of SOA, this cookbook shows you how to make SOA work. It's full of Java and XML code you can insert directly into your applications and recipes you can apply right away.

    The book focuses primarily on the use of free and open source Java Web Services technologies -- including Java SE 6 and Java EE 5 tools -- but you'll find tips for using commercially available tools as well.

    Java SOA Cookbook will help you:

        * Construct XML vocabularies and data models appropriate to SOA applications
        * Build real-world web services using the latest Java standards, including JAX-WS 2.1 and JAX-RS 1.0 for RESTful web services
        * Integrate applications from popular service providers using SOAP, POX, and Atom
        * Create service orchestrations with complete coverage of the WS-BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) 2.0 standard
        * Improve the reliability of SOAP-based services with specifications such as WS-Reliable Messaging
        * Deal with governance, interoperability, and quality-of-service issues

    The recipes in Java SOA Cookbook will equip you with the knowledge you need to approach SOA as an integration challenge, not an obstacle.

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2009/8/6 18:54:00
     bluepiano 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    非常谢谢 正好需要啊!
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