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    发贴心情 英国计算机协会发起“信息先驱成就”评选:Turing超过Tim Berners-Lee [2010-5]

    Turing is thrashing Sir Tim as films promote computer pioneers
    The BCS is trying to raise the profile of IT workers with a campaign based on Information Pioneers. Five will be featured in short films that will be shown on the website, which went live today

    Information pioneer Sir Tim Berners-Lee

    The BCS (formerly the British Computer Society) has launched a website at [URL=http://pioneers.bcs.org/]pioneers.bcs.org[/URL] to "highlight the achievements of the often forgotten and unacknowledged Information Pioneers". You can vote for a select 150. From 27 May, when the campaign starts, you'll be able to watch "celebrity films" featuring five pioneers: Ada Lovelace, [URL=http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/alan-turing]Alan Turing[/URL], Sir [URL=http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/clive-sinclair]Clive Sinclair[/URL], Hedy Lamarr and Sir [URL=http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/timbernerslee]Tim Berners-Lee[/URL].

    The films also feature celebrity presenters, with cricketer Phil Tufnell presenting Sir Clive Sinclair, and comedian Dom Joly advocating Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

    At the moment, Turing (52.5%) has a huge lead over Hedy (15.8%) with TBL (11.9%) fourth, but expect this to change when more people vote.

    The BCS says it "believes IT is undervalued by the public. This campaign will change the way people see the IT profession and its contribution to society."

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