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    >> 本版讨论Semantic Web(语义Web,语义网或语义万维网, Web 3.0)及相关理论,如:Ontology(本体,本体论), OWL(Web Ontology Langauge,Web本体语言), Description Logic(DL, 描述逻辑),RDFa,Ontology Engineering等。
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     * 贴子主题: [MS position]Computer Science in Université d'Artois, FR 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发贴心情 [MS position]Computer Science in Université d'Artois, FR

    从一个国外同行那里转来的广告。提供这个MS课程的法国的Université d'Artois in
    Lens, France,这个研究组在人工智能,尤其是知识表示,逻辑AI领域具有极高的研究



    The programme is detailed on the web page of our lab, but it is in french !
    Here: http://www.cril.univ-artois.fr/spip/spip.php?article114
    It could be useful to have it in english, but it is not the case yet
    (an important point: the lectures are in french ! It can evole to
    english-speaking lectures, but it is not the case yet)
    So here is just a short summary (title of the lectures, and brief content):
    * Formal Tools (15h)
    Logic (propositional, first order, modal, multi-valued)
    Computational Complexity
    * Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (20h)
    Non-monotonic inference relations, default logic, closed-world
    assumptions, inference from stratified knowledge bases
    * Uncertainty (15h)
    Possibilistic logic, Probabilistic logic, Demster/Shafer, Bayesian networks
    * Satisfaction and Constraints (20h)
    Algorithms for SAT and CSP
    * Information Systems and Internet (15h)
    Modelization of information systems (UML, etc.)
    * Planning (20h)
    Representation of actions and plans.
    Planning Algorithms
    * Advanced Tools (20h)
    Introduction to Belief Revision, Social Choice Theory, Game Theory

    This is the program of the 2nd year of Master. The first year of
    Master is much more "conventional computer science".

    -Funding: we have no funding available. I suppose (but I do not know)
    that it is possible to look for international cooperation projects.
    We have some fundings for PhD thesis, but we usually do not have
    fundings for Masters. Usually foreign students have fundings from
    their countries...

    -What research topics are avaible ?
    For the master thesis, all the research topics of the CRIL lab are
    possible. Briefly it is either KR topics, or SAT/CSP ones.
    This mainly depends of the supervisors research topics.

    -Who will supervise the students ?
    The supervisors of the master thesis are people from our lab., usually
    involving a Professor, so there is for instance:
    * Salem Benferhat
    * Pierre Marquis
    * Eric Gregoire
    * Lakdhar Sais
    * Christophe Lecoutre
    * Sebastien Konieczny
    * Souhila Kaci
    * ....

    -Background of the students:
    The main common points of the lectures (and of the master thesis
    subjects) are logic and/or algorithmic.
    So, for mathematicians, at least a background in logic is required for
    KR subjects. But the ideal is to have a computer science / logic

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