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    发贴心情 OASIS News: 4 Dec 2007

    OASIS News
    4 Dec 2007

    Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements, accomplishments,
    and activities for the international open standards consortium.

    Committee announcements:
    * EML 5.0 becomes an OASIS Standard
    * Public review begins for WS-ReliableMessaging errata
    * Public review begins for XRI Resolution 2.0
    * Third public review begins for Code List Representation 1.0

    Other news:
    * ITU-T extension reduces the size of CAP messages
    * Volunteers translate ODF into Russian
    * Nominations open for LegalXML Steering Committee
    * Submit abstracts for Open Standards 2008: Composability within SOA

    EML 5.0 becomes an OASIS Standard

    Members have approved version 5.0 of the Election Markup Language (EML) as an
    OASIS Standard. EML enables the exchange of data for public and private
    election services. Congratulations to Election and Voter Services TC chair,
    John Borras,
    and to all TC participants for this accomplishment.


    Public review begins for WS-ReliableMessaging errata

    The OASIS Web Services Reliable Messaging TC has approved a three-part errata
    package as a Committee Draft and submitted it for public review. The package
    includes errata for WS-ReliableMessaging 1.1, WS-ReliableMessaging Policy
    Assertion 1.1, and Web Services Make Connection 1.0. The review ends 17 Dec.


    Public review begins for XRI Resolution 2.0

    The OASIS Extensible Resource Identifier (XRI) TC has approved version 2.0 of
    the XRI Resolution as a Committee Draft and submitted it for public review. The
    XRI Resolution defines a simple generic format for resource description (XRDS
    documents), a protocol for obtaining XRDS documents from HTTP(S) URIs, and
    generic and trusted protocols for resolving XRIs. The review ends 1 Feb.


    Third public review begins for Code List Representation 1.0

    The OASIS Code List Representation TC has disposed of comments from the second
    public review of version 1.0 of the Code List Representation (Genericode) and
    submitted it for a third, 15-day public review. The specification defines an
    XML format for interchange, documentation, and management of code lists (a.k.a.
    controlled vocabularies or coded value enumerations) in any processing context.
    All are invited to provide comments; this review ends 8 Dec.


    ITU-T extension reduces the size of CAP messages

    The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) OASIS Standard was enlarged by a binary
    ASN.1 specification developed by the International Telecommunication Union's
    Standardization Sector (ITU-T). This enables the transport of CAP messages to
    VoIP terminals using H.323 and other systems. The OASIS Emergency Management
    Technical Committee has adopted this extension to CAP, which is used by many
    public emergency services and land management agencies.


    Volunteers translate ODF into Russian

    Infra-Resource, Ltd has created an unofficial Russian translation of the
    OpenDocument Format (ODF) OASIS Standard version 1.0. ODF provides a format
    that enables users of varying office suites to freely exchange documents. The
    non-normative Russian translation is provided as an informational service to
    the global community.


    Nominations open for LegalXML Steering Committee

    Beginning 10 Dec, the OASIS LegalXML Member Section will accept nominations for
    two seats on its Steering Committee. LegalXML brings legal and technical
    experts together to create standards for the electronic exchange of legal data.
    All LegalXML members are eligible to nominate or be nominated for the Steering
    Committee. Each successful candidate will serve a one-year term. Nominations
    will be accepted until 21 Dec, and elections will be held 26 Dec through 7 Jan.


    Submit abstracts for Open Standards 2008: Composability within SOA

    The deadline to submit papers for the annual OASIS event is 17 Dec. The Open
    Standards 2008 symposium will be held 28 April - 1 May, 2008 in Santa Clara,
    California, USA.


    Important dates

    7 Dec:
    Public review for Search Web Services discussion document closes

    10-13 Dec:
    Open CSA hosts free webinar series on SCA

    17 Dec:
    Deadline to submit papers for Open Standards 2008 symposium

    Public review for WS-ReliableMessaging errata ends

    18 Dec:
    EDXL Hospital AVailability Exchange (HAVE) 1.0 public review ends

    21 Dec:
    ODF 1.1 Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 public review ends

    Nominations for LegalXML Steering Committee close

    1 Feb:
    XRI Resolution 2.0 public review ends

    4-6 Mar:
    IDtrust Symposium

    28 Apr - 1 May:
      OASIS hosts 'Open Standards 2008: SOA Composability' symposium

    OASIS News is published in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian.
    Volunteers to translate the newsletter into other languages are welcome;
    contact communications@oasis-open.org.

    Archives: http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis_news_archive.php


    [Un]Subscribe/change address: http://www.oasis-open.org/mlmanage/

    Alternately, subscribe via email: news-subscribe@lists.oasis-open.org

    Unsubscribe via email: news-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org

    List Guidelines: http://www.oasis-open.org/maillists/guidelines.php/

    Join OASIS: http://www.oasis-open.org/join/

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