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     * 贴子主题: SMS in English 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
     hjx_221 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    发贴心情 SMS in English

    Would you like to send an SMS in English? Here is a list with useful characters and their meanings:
    & - and
    0 - nothing
    2 - two, to, too
    2DAY - today
    A - a / an
    B - be
    B4 - before
    BC - because
    BF - boyfriend
    BK - back
    BRO - brother
    BT - but
    C - see
    D8 - date
    DNR - dinner
    EZ - easy
    F8 - fate
    GF - girlfriend
    GR8 - great
    HOLS - holidays
    HV - have
    I - I, it
    Its - it is
    KDS - kids
    L8 - late
    L8R - later
    M8 - mate
    NE1 - anyone
    PLS - please
    PS - parents
    QT - cutie
    R - are
    SIS - sister
    SKOOL - school
    SMMR - summer
    U - you
    WR - were
    A3 - anyplace, anytime, anywhere
    ASAP - as soon as possible
    B4N - Bye for now
    BAU - business as usual
    BRB - I'll be right back.
    BTW - by the way
    CUL - see you later
    CWOT - complete waste of time
    FTF - face to face
    FYI - for your information
    GMTA - great minds think alike
    HAND - have a nice day
    HRU - how are you
    ICBW - it could be worse
    IDTS - I don't think so
    IMHO - in my humble opinion
    IYKWIM - if you know what I mean
    JK - just kidding
    KOTC - kiss on the cheek
    LOL - laughing out loud
    LSKOL - long slow kiss on the lips
    LTNS - long time no see
    Luv U - I love you.
    Luv U2 - I love you too.
    MON - the middle of nowhere
    MTE - my thoughts exactly
    MU - I miss you.
    MUSM - I miss you so much.
    NP - no problem
    OIC - oh, I see
    PC&QT - peace and quiet
    PCM - please call me
    ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing
    RUOK - are you ok?
    THNQ - thank you
    U4E - you forever
    UROK - you are okay
    WUCIWUG - what you see is what you get
    WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get
    XLNT - exellent
    :-) smiling
    :-* kiss
    :-)) very happy
    :-0 shocked
    :") blushing
    :-| :-| deja vu
    (_x_) kiss my arse/butt
    <:3 )~ mouse
    :@) pig
    :’-) tears of laughter
    :-P stick tongue out
    :-(*) you make me sick
    x-( you are mad
    :-" whistling
    ;-) wink
    :-@ screaming
    O:-) saintly

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