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    Paper for XP Universe, Raleigh, NC, 23-25 July 2001
    Extreme Programming from a CMM Perspective
    Mark C. Paulk
    Software Engineering Institute
    Carnegie Mellon University
    Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
    +1 412 268-5794
    Extreme Programming (XP) has been advocated recently as
    an appropriate programming method for the high-speed,
    volatile world of Internet and Web software development.
    This popular methodology is reviewed from the perspective
    of the Capability Maturity Modelò (CMMò ) for Software,
    a five-level model that prescribes process improvement
    priorities for software organizations. Overviews of both
    XP and CMM are provided, and XP is critiqued from a
    Software CMM perspective. The conclusion is that
    lightweight methodologies such as XP advocate many good
    engineering practices, although some practices may be
    controversial and counter-productive outside a narrow
    domain. For those interested in process improvement, the
    ideas in XP should be carefully considered for adoption
    where appropriate in an organization's business
    environment since XP can be used to address many of the
    CMM Level 2 and 3 practices. In turn, organizations using
    XP should carefully consider the management and
    infrastructure issues described in the CMM.
    Software CMM, Capability Maturity Model, CMM,
    Extreme Programming, XP, agile methodologies,
    lightweight processes
    In recent years, Extreme Programming (XP) has been
    advocated as an appropriate programming method for the
    high-speed, volatile world of Internet and Web software
    development. XP can be characterized as a "lightweight"
    or "agile" methodology. Although XP is a disciplined
    process, some have used it in arguments against rigorous
    models for software process improvement, such as the
    Capability Maturity Model for Software, a five-level model
    that prescribes process improvement priorities for software
    organizations developed by the Software Engineering
    Institute (SEI). Many organizations moving into e-
    ò Capability Maturity Model and CMM are registered with the U.S.
    Patent and Trademark Office.
    The Software Engineering Institute is a federally funded research and
    development center sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense.
    Commerce have existing CMM-based initiatives (and
    possibly customers demanding mature processes) and
    desire an understanding of whether and how XP can
    address CMM practices adequately.
    This paper summarizes both XP and CMM and critiques
    XP from a CMM perspective. Although XP can be
    characterized as a lightweight methodology that does not
    emphasize process definition or measurement to the degree
    that models such as the CMM do, a broad range of
    processes can be considered valid under the CMM. The
    conclusion is that agile methodologies such as XP advocate
    many good engineering practices, although some practices
    may be controversial and counter-productive outside a
    narrow domain, and that when thoughtfully implemented in
    an appropriate environment, XP addresses many CMM
    Level 2 and 3 practices. For those interested in process
    improvement, the ideas in XP should be carefully
    considered for adoption where appropriate in an
    organization's business environment, just as organizations
    considering XP should carefully consider the management
    and infrastructure issues described in the CMM.
    The Capability Maturity Model for Software [5, 6] is a
    model for building organizational capability that has been
    widely adopted in the software community and beyond.
    The Software CMM is a five-level model that describes
    good engineering and management practices and prescribes
    improvement priorities for software organizations. The
    five maturity levels are summarized in Figure 1.
    The Software CMM is intended to be:
    § a common-sense application of process management
    and quality improvement concepts to software
    development and maintenance -- the CMM practices
    are not rocket science (even the statistical process
    control concepts at Levels 4 and 5 have been
    successfully applied in other industries for decades)
    § a community-developed guide -- input from hundreds
    of software professionals was solicited in developing
    the current release of the CMM

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