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    [返回] 计算机科学论坛计算机理论与工程『 算法理论与分析 』 → 【Call for paper】2010国际基于位置服务理论与应用前沿研讨会【美国,圣地亚哥】[公告] 查看新帖用户列表

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     * 贴子主题: 【Call for paper】2010国际基于位置服务理论与应用前沿研讨会【美国,圣地亚哥】[公告] 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发贴心情 【Call for paper】2010国际基于位置服务理论与应用前沿研讨会【美国,圣地亚哥】[公告]

    The 2nd International Workshop on
    The Theory and Application Frontiers of Location Based Services (TAFLBS2010)

    In Cooperation with
    The 4th International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE2010)
    Call for papers for TAFLBS2010 Workshop
    In Cooperation withMUE2010 (June 28-30, 2010 San Diego, California, USA)
    International Workshop on the Theory and Application Frontiers of Location Based Services (TAFLBS) was founded and first organized by Chinese and Irish researchers, Dr. Yuefeng Liu and Dr.Jianghua Zheng in 2009. TAFLBS2009 was successfully held on 3rd June, 2009 in Qingdao China. It comprised 10 papers from 23 submitted papers from different countries or regions. All the accepted papers were published by IEEE CPS. Prof. Lei Yan, from Peking University, was invited to give a keynote presentation. National University of Ireland Maynooth, StratAG (Strategic Research Cluster in Advanced Geotechnologies), Peking University, SFI (Science Foundation Ireland), Xinjiang University, and the Sino-Ireland Joint Research and Education Centre (SIJREC) are the major supporting institutions of the workshop. It is intended to build this workshop into an international series with the highest reputation in the field of LBS.
    Location Based Services (LBS) form a promising and fast developing field. It advances the development of ubiquitous services with diverse content. It uses mobile platforms upon which multiple sensors and measurement systems can be integrated to provide continuous, three-dimensional positioning and orientation. To support the sustainable development of LBS, TAFLBS is designed to be a showcase for new theories, technologies and applications to demonstrate the potential of the field and realize its scientific, social and commercial value. These new aspects may include but are not limited to advances in positioning technologies, spatial and Geoinformatic modeling, computer algorithms, applied modelingand concrete application demonstrations.
    Contributions from the fields of Cartography, Geoinformatics, Computer Science, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing, Telecommunication, Geodesy, Geomedia Techniques, etc. should address, but are not limited to, current advances in

    o          Theories for Location Based Services
    o          Pervasive Technologies for LBS
    o          Mobile and Ubiquitous Mapping
    o          3D-Mapping, Virtual and Augmented Reality
    o          Personalization & Adaptive Methods
    o          Positioning Methods
    o          Modeling of Spatial Environments for LBS
    o          Location Based Sensor Networks
    o          Wayfinding and Navigation
    o          Location Based Collaboration
    o          Location Based Media Technologies
    o          Location Based Services under WEB2.0
    o          Scientific and Environmental applications
    o          Ubiquitous advertising
    o          GeoTwitter
    o          Pedestrian Navigation
    o          LBS demonstrations
    o          Open Source and LBS Applications
    o          LBS and User Behaviors
    o          LBS and Mobile Database

    Important Dates:

    January 28, 2010 Paper submission deadline March 20, 2010 Presenting author registration due
    February 28, 2010 Notification of acceptance June 28-30, 2010 Conference events
    March 20, 2010 2010: Camera-ready paper due   

    Paper Publication:
    All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by IEEE Press (IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing Group) and will be included in IEEE Xplorer. Outstanding papers will be invited for extension and publication in proposed journal special issues.


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