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    >> The future of AI, is the future of computer
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    1. In which sense can computers "learn"? Describe the framework of concept learning.

    2. Give some own example(s) of a learning problem (where we are in need of some results, but it is infeasible to obtain them in a direct way).

    3. What is "generalization" beyond observed data, and has it something to do with the notion of a "more general hypothesis"?

    4. Is it necessary to restrict the hypothesis space H, and how can (or should) it be done practically? Relate H to the notion of "inductive bias".

    5. How is it possible at all for learning algorithms to make predictions about unseen data? To what extent can we trust their results?

    6. Which computational difficulties can arise in concept learning tasks? How do various algorithms cope with these difficulties?

    7. Does the ability to choose own training examples add power to a learner?

    8. What is the general scheme of decision tree learning (apart from the details of ID3)?

    9. What is the origin of overfitting, why is it fatal for learning, and what can be done to avoid it?

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