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    发贴心情 [2009-5-1] MINES 2009's Call For Papers(SCI,EI)!

                                CALL FOR PAPERS
    The 2009 International Conference on Multimedia Information NEtworking
                          and Security (MINES 2009)
                      18-20 November 2009 — Wuhan, China

    Organized by: Wuhan University
    Sponsored by: NSFC
    Publshed by: IEEE Computer Society
    The 2009 International Conference on Multimedia Information NEtworking & Security (MINES 2009) will be held on November 18-20, 2009 in Wuhan, China. The conference aims to provide a platform for worldwide researchers and engineers to exchange the latest research results on multimedia information services, with the focuses on networking and security.

    The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, available in the conference, and to be indexed by EI & ISTP. At least 100 high-quality papers can be selected from the conference, and (after extension) will be published by several special issues in following well-known international journals:  :
    Applied Soft Computing(SCI)
    Multimedia Tools and Applications(SCI)
    Information Systems Frontiers(SCI)
    Journal of Internet Technology(SCI)
    Electronic Commerce Research(EI)
    ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications(Pending)
    (Several other special issues are pending.....)

    The manuscripts covering the novel algorithms, architectures, implementations and experiences are welcome. The topics include but are not limited to:
    * Track I: Multimedia computing and networking
       * Multimedia coding
       * Multimedia semantic analysis
       * Multimedia indexing and retrieval
       * Multimedia data mining
       * Multimedia interaction
       * Intelligent surveillance
       * Adaptive multimedia transmission
       * Multimedia broadcasting
       * Wireless multimedia communication
       * Ubiquitous multimedia computing
       * Multimedia sensor networks
       * Multimedia network convergence

    * Track II: Multimedia services
       * Internet based services
       * TV services (Digital TV, Internet TV, Mobile TV)
       * Mobile community
       * Short message service (SMS)
       * Multimedia message service (MMS)
       * Ringtones
       * E-health
       * Smart home
       * Location based services
       * User generated content
       * Media generation social networks
       * Content sharing in social networks
       * Intelligent interaction
       * Services based on network convergence
       * Broadband multimedia services

    * Track III: Multimedia security
       * Copyright protection
       * Copyright surveillance
       * Forgery detection
       * Copy prevention
       * Conditional access
       * Digital rights management
       * Piracy detection and tracing
       * Secure interaction
       * Biometric authentication
       * Behaviour analysis based on multimedia
       * Security for web services
       * Security in social networks

    * Track IV: Network security
       * Intrusion detection and prevention
       * Crime detection based on digital forensics
       * Illegal content filtering
       * Privacy protection
       * Content analysis for credibility evaluation
       * Object identification on the Web
       * Forecasting Terrorism* Cryptography and security protocols
       * Authentication and Identification
       * Mobile System Security
       * Ubiquitous Computing Security
       * Sensor and Mobile Ad Hoc Network Security
       * Security for Grid Computing* Peer-to-Peer Security
       * Denial of Service and other attacks

    * Track V: Trusted computing
       * Theory and Models of Trust
       * Trust Establishment
       * Trust Propagation and Management
       * Trusted Software and Database
       * Trusted Computing Platform
       * Trusted Operating System
       * Trusted Network Computing
       * Trusted Autonomic Computing
       * Trusted Services and Applications
       * Trust in E-commerce
       * Trust in E-government
       * Trust in Mobile Network
       * Trust in Wireless Network
       * Trust-related Security and Privacy
       * Reliable and dependable Systems

    * Manuscript Due: May 1, 2009
    * Acceptance Notification: July 1, 2009
    * Final Manuscript Due: August 1, 2009
    * Registration Due: August 10, 2009
    * Conference Date: November 18-20, 2009

    General Chairs
    Lina Wang, Wuhan University, China
    Stefanos Gritzalis, University of the Aegean, Greece

    General Co-Chairs
    Zhiyong Peng, Wuhan University, China
    Borko Furht, Florida Atlantic University, USA

    Steering Commitee
    Stefanos Gritzalis, University of the Aegean, Greece
    Chang Wen Chen, University at Buffalo, USA
    Shiguo Lian, Orange Labs Beijing, China
    Xin Wang, ContentGuard, Inc., USA
    Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway

    Technical Committee Chairs
    Chin-Chen Chang, Feng-Chia University, Taiwain
    Peter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland
    Sergio Velastin, Kingston University London, UK

    Technical Committee Co-Chairs
    Robert Deng, Singapore Management University,SG (Trusted computing)
    Husrev Taha SENCAR, TOBB Economy and Technology University, Turkey
    (Multimedia security)
    Zhu Li, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China (Multimedia computing and
    Dimitris Kanellopoulos, University of Patras, Greece (Multimedia service)
    Jiankun Hu, RMIT University, Australia (Network security)



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