
-  计算机科学论坛  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/index.asp)
--  『 XML安全 』  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/list.asp?boardid=27)
----  什么是inline xml和escaped xml?请高手指点.  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=27&rootid=&id=43921)

--  作者:Turling
--  发布时间:3/15/2007 9:21:00 AM

--  什么是inline xml和escaped xml?请高手指点.
    1)什么是inline xml?
      <InlineXML> [Optional]
      The InlineXMLType clearly expresses the fact, that content of  <InlineXML> is inline xml that should be equivalent to a complete XML Document. I.e. having only one DocumentElement and not allowing anything but PI's and Comments before and after this one element.

    2)什么是escaped string,unescape是指什么操作?
       <EscapedXML> [Optional]
       This contains an escaped string. The server MUST unescape (escape sequences are processed to produce original XML sequence) it for obtaining xml data.

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