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--  作者:菜籽
--  发布时间:10/19/2007 11:59:00 PM

--  OASIS News: 18 Oct 2007
18 Oct 2007

Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements, accomplishments,
and activities for the international open standards consortium.

In this issue:
* OASIS invites participation in new eGov Member Section
* Voting begins on SAML Metadata
* CAP 1.1 Errata approved by Committee
* Public review begins for Code List Representation 1.0
* Register for London Forum
* OASIS welcomes Inmedius to Sponsor-level membership
* Preparation begins for BPEL XML.org
* Take a Tour of OASIS
* Important dates

OASIS invites participation in new eGov Member Section

The new OASIS eGovernment Member Section will promote the development,
adoption, and implementation of open standards to facilitate interoperability
and the sharing of best practice among public sector agencies. OASIS eGov
welcomes members from local, national, and international administrations and
oversight agencies as well as technology
providers, systems integrators, and all those concerned to encourage more
efficient use of new technologies to deliver better quality and more
citizen-centric government.


Voting begins on SAML Metadata

The Consortium has issued Calls for Vote to determine if two specification sets
should be approved as OASIS Standards: 1) the Metadata Profile for the Security
Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 1.x and 2) the Metadata Extension for SAML
2.0 and 1.x Query Requesters. SAML defines an XML-based framework for creating
and exchanging security information between online partners. Members who wish
to discuss the ballot may do so through the member-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org
mailing list. Primary representatives of OASIS organizations members should
cast ballots before the deadline of 31 Oct.


CAP 1.1 Errata approved by Committee

Participants in the OASIS Emergency Management Committee have approved Common
Alerting Protocol (CAP) version 1.1 Errata. CAP is an OASIS Standard that
provides a simple but general format for exchanging all-hazard emergency alerts
and public warnings over all kinds of networks.


Public review begins for Code List Representation 1.0

The OASIS Code List Representation TC has disposed of comments from the initial
public review of version 1.0 of the Code List Representation (Genericode) and
submitted it for a second, 15-day public review. The specification defines an
XML format for interchange, documentation, and management of code lists (a.k.a.
controlled vocabularies or coded value enumerations) in any processing context.
All are invited to provide comments; this review ends 31 Oct.


Register for London Forum

Members and non-members are invited to attend the upcoming Open Standards Forum
near London on 29-30 Oct. Presentations include:
- adopting SOA as an agent of business change
- delivering new opportunities into government organisations
- discovering recent standards for Web services reliability and security,
business process and e-business connectivity
- constructing applications and business systems that are agile and adaptable
to changing requirements
- developing a unified approach to creating and packaging complex applications
that focuses on the business function
- providing consistent outcome in complex multi-party business operations
- improving the quality of services for security and messaging

Three or more people who attend from the same organization are eligible for a
group discount.


OASIS welcomes Inmedius to Sponsor-level membership

Inmedius provides lifecycle solutions to aerospace, defense and technical
publication organizations worldwide. Inmedius Horizon supports both the DITA
and DocBook OASIS Standards.


Preparation begins for BPEL XML.org

Work is underway on a new XML.org Focus Area for the Web Services Business
Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL). The web site will serve as a community
gathering place and information resource for the OASIS Standard. The Focus Area
will feature a BPEL Wiki Knowledgebase, as well as forums, blogs, a directory
of products and services, event calendar, and more. OASIS invites all members
to participate in the editorial board. Sponsorship opportunities for the site
are also available. Contact communications@oasis-open.org for details.

Take a Tour of OASIS

A guided overview of the mission and work of OASIS is now available online.
Designed as an introduction for those new to the consortium, the Tour is linked
from the OASIS homepage.


Important dates

21 Oct:
  Production Planning and Scheduling (PPS) 1.0 public review ends

22 Oct:
  IDtrust holds free Catalyst workshop in Barcelona

29-30 Oct:
  OASIS host Open Standards Forum in London

31 Oct:
  OASIS Standard ballot closes for SAML Metadata specs

  Code List Representation (Genericode) 1.0 public review ends
Recent press release

Members Approve ebXML Messaging Services 3.0 as OASIS Standard:
Axway Software, Fujitsu, NEC, Sun Microsystems, U.S. Centers for Disease
Control, and Others Collaborate on New Version of Global Standard for
Exchanging Business Messages over the Internet


**Membership Tip**

Start a discussion list to build support for a new idea

OASIS News is published in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian.
Volunteers to translate the newsletter into other languages are welcome;
contact communications@oasis-open.org.

Archives: http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis_news_archive.php


[Un]Subscribe/change address: http://www.oasis-open.org/mlmanage/

Alternately, subscribe via email: news-subscribe@lists.oasis-open.org

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