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--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:5/10/2004 10:35:00 PM

--  和MYSQL的Zack Urlocker对话
An Interview with Zack Urlocker, MySQL
和Zack Urlocker的一次对话http://www.linuxbyte.net/view.php?skin=news&ID=4840

OrangeCrate is pleased to present an interview with Zack Urlocker, Vice Pres
ident, Marketing for MySQL AB,
Zack Urlocker: They are separate technologies. MaxDB is a great database for
SAP R/3 applications. There are a couple of thousand companies running it t
oday. It has its own replication fail over. The MySQL Cluster technology wor
ks at the storage engine level for our flagship MySQL database server. But M
axDB and MySQL are really two different code bases and we won't try to merge
(Submitted by Chuck Talk Mon May 3, 2004 )
Zack Urlocker:当然,我们希望和许多公司合作营造一个适合MYSQL生存的环境,这点
计划,一个新的合作WEB站点,还有许多象Quest Software's Toad for MySQL这样的创
Zack Urlocker:我想有两个主要的方向,第一,不论是我们还是我们合作伙伴的技术,
触发器、视图、排序和集群这些特性方面的需要,MYSQL Cluster对我们和我们的客户都
OC:自从MYSQL AB发布MYSQL Cluster以来,您觉得MYSQL能够在关键任务应用的数据中
Zack Urlocker:当然,我认为我们可以做到。我们曾经历史性地造就了世界上最流行的
在某些时候符合策略开始成熟而变得极为重要了,我认为MYSQL Cluster也付予客户"59
OC:MYSQL Cluster包含来自MaxDB产品序列的技术吗,或许它们就是独立的两个产品序
列?如果它们是独立的,MaxDB会不会在某些方面继承MYSQL Cluster的能力?
Zack Urlocker:它们是独立的两个技术,MAXDB对SAP R/3应用来说是个很棒的数据库,
目前有数千家公司在运行它。有它自己的响应错误恢复机制。MySQL Cluster(集群)技术
Zack Urlocker:我们已经在最近宣布了合作伙伴计划,它对ISV们来说更加易于操作。
很轻松,MYSQL 5将有其他新的特性来让开发者的生活更加轻松吗?
Zack Urlocker:是的,limits真的很好,很多特性使我们在web开发者中非常流行,它
是其中之一。MYSQL 4.1和5中有大量的新特性,一些是遵循标准企业级数据库特性的,
OC:我挺满意MYSQL真正跨系统平台的能力。我们最近为一家教育实体在Mac OS X工作站
上开发一个使用MYSQL数据的项目,它工作得无可挑剔。MYSQL Mac OS X数据库从一个W
EB MYSQL接口导入数据,Mac用户可以无需跨平台转换就使用他们的数据,现在,MYSQL
Zack Urlocker:现在我们支持大约二十四个平台。所有常见的需要都支持。Mac, Wind
ows, Linux, Netware, Solaris, AIX还有很多很多,我们会努力确定在所有平台上建立
和实现完全的兼容。我们偶尔也着眼于一些非常传统的嵌入式平台(比如Palm OS),但它
Zack Urlocker:双重许可是个好模式。它使我们得以建立一个真实的商业模式,这是关
Zack Urlocker:有件事我觉得真的很重要,就是一般所谓的开放代码和单独在此提到的
海旅游的话,这是个向创始人了解MYSQL的吸引人的机会,详情可以到MySQL Geek Crui
Zack Urlocker:不客气!
OC Editor: MySQL has been very successfully developing the MySQL DB for some
time now, but has recently begun partnering with many well-known technology
companies such as Novell, SAP, Sun Microsystems in addition to the traditio
nal Linux distributions such as Red Hat, SuSE (now Novell), Mandrake and oth
ers. Do you foresee this trend continuing for MySQL?
Zack Urlocker: Absolutely. We are keen to partner with many companies to bui
ld out a MySQL ecosystem. It's important that other people build products, s
ervices around MySQL; we can't do it all. And it's not only the larger compa
nies. I think there are a lot of opportunities for new startups to be built
around MySQL. So we've created a new partner program, a new partner web site
, and there's a lot of innovation with products like Quest Software's Toad f
or MySQL and Rackspace offering certified MySQL hosting.
OC Editor: What do you think is the most important technology initiative for
MySQL in the next year?
Zack Urlocker: I think there are two major trends here. First of all, we wan
t to continue to make the technology easier to use with graphical tools, whe
ther they are from us or from our partners. Most companies never have enough
time to become experts in new technology, so having graphical tools can hel
p out a lot. That's one reason we introduced MySQL Administrator, but there'
s plenty of room for other types of tools. The second big technology initiat
ive is really about meeting the needs of enterprise customers with features
like stored procedures, triggers, views, subqueries and clustering. MySQL Cl
uster will be very important for us and for our customers. Of course, you do
n't have to be a big company to use these features. They're helpful even for
those in small organizations.
OC Editor: As MySQL AB has released MySQL Cluster, do you see MySQL taking a
more prominent role in Data Centers for mission-critical applications?
Zack Urlocker: Yes, I think we'll expand there. Historically, we've been the
world's most popular web database. As web applications have become more bus
iness critical, so has MySQL. Applications that start off as maybe departmen
tal or tactical sometimes grow up to be hugely important. So we've seen MySQ
L applications migrate into the datacenter. I think MySQL Cluster also gives
our customers the ability to have "5 9's" availability with MySQL, which is
important for ecommerce, and other business critical applications.
OC Editor: Does the MySQL Cluster include technology from the MaxDB(tm) prod
uct line, or are they two separate lines? If they are, will the MaxDB inheri
t the capabilities of the MySQL Cluster at some point?
Zack Urlocker: They are separate technologies. MaxDB is a great database for
SAP R/3 applications. There are a couple of thousand companies running it t
oday. It has its own replication fail over. The MySQL Cluster technology wor
ks at the storage engine level for our flagship MySQL database server. But M
axDB and MySQL are really two different code bases and we won't try to merge
OC Editor: MySQL is well known for being very open to the ISV (Independent S
oftware Vendor) community and channel. What initiatives does MySQL have in p
lace for the ISV channel today, and what new programs and ideas are coming o
n in the near future?
Zack Urlocker: We have announced our partner program recently that makes it
easier to work with ISVs. And of course, we try to be very easy to work with
. For a software ISV, MySQL is going to be an order of magnitude or two chea
per than other databases. And unlike some of the other database vendors, we
aren't going to compete with our partners.
OC Editor: One of my developers has asked that I tell you that the limit fea
ture is a "treasure" when retrieving records. He says this makes life a lot
easier for him. What other new features are on the MySQL 5 release roadmap t
hat will make life easier for developers?
Zack Urlocker: Yeah, limits are really appreciated. Its one of the things th
at helped make us very popular among web developers. There's a raft of new f
eatures in MySQL 4.1 and in MySQL 5.0. Some of them are along the lines of t
he "classic" enterprise database features, stored procedures, triggers, view
s, etc., but there will always be new features for developers. We listen car
efully to our customers to figure out how we can help make their lives easie
OC Editor: I would like to congratulate MySQL for its true cross-platform ca
pabilities. One of our projects was recently developed to use MySQL data on
a Mac OS X workstation for an educational entity, and the product worked fla
wlessly. The MySQL Mac OS X database imported data from a web MySQL interfac
e and allows our Mac customers to have access to their data without any tran
sformation or translation across platforms. What embedded platforms does MyS
QL work on or with at this time?
Zack Urlocker: Right now we support about two dozen platforms. All of the us
ual suspects are supported: Mac, Windows, Linux, Netware, Solaris, AIX, and
many, many more. We try to make sure we build and have full compatibility on
all platforms. We also occasionally look at some of the traditional deeply
embedded platforms (e.g. running on Palm OS) but it hasn't been a priority f
or us. But since the source code is out there, if someone wants to port to o
ther platforms, they can do that. That's one of the beauties of open source.

OC Editor: MySQL has been shown the way with the dual-licensing model, do yo
u plan to keep that model, or do you see any refinements as becoming necessa
ry in the future?
Zack Urlocker: Dual license is a good model. It enables us to have a real bu
siness model, which is important. MySQL has always been a commercial busines
s and we think it's important. The more paying customers, the more developme
nt we can do. Over time, I think we will look at ways of offering additional
services also, but in many respects we're just like other software companie
s. And the good thing is corporate customers want to pay to get good support
, training and so on.
OC Editor: Finally, is there anything that you would like to say to my audie
nce about MySQL or your future plans?
Zack Urlocker: One of the things that I think is really important about open
source in general and MySQL in particular, is it's a great way for people t
o develop new skills and new careers. With MySQL or any of the LAMP stack, y
ou can download the software, buy a couple of books and start learning new s
kills that can help you in your career. That's something I really like about
open source.
Also, if you missed out on the MySQL Users Conference in April, you can stil
l find blogs about the conference. And we'll also be recreating some of that
content with Geekcruises.com putting on the MySQL Swell. It's kind of an in
teresting opportunity to learn MySQL from the founders while on a Mediterran
ean cruise. Check it out at:
MySQL Geek Cruises
OC Editor: Thanks Zack, for taking the time to talk with me today. It is app
Zack Urlocker: My pleasure.

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