以文本方式查看主题 - 计算机科学论坛 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/index.asp) -- 『 计算机英语 』 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/list.asp?boardid=39) ---- [分享]STOCKS 股票 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=39&rootid=&id=10187) |
-- 作者:hjx_221 -- 发布时间:9/21/2004 1:15:00 PM -- [分享]STOCKS 股票 所有形式的公司制企业都需要筹资,筹资的基本形式有两种, 发行股票和发行债券。企业拥有者提供的资金叫股票资金,而 通过贷款方式取得的资金叫债务资金。 Corporate enterprises need financing. There are two basic types of financing. They are equity and debt. Equity is the money supplied by the owners of a business while debt is the money supplied in the form of loans. 股票是企业筹资和公众投资的主要工具。股票的种类很多: dividend 股息 yield 收益率 bull market 牛市 bear market 熊市 listed company 上市公司 over-the-counter trading 场外交易 price/ earning ratio(PE) 市盈率 financial instrument 金融工具 stock exchange 股票交易所 securities exchange 证券交易所 Dow-Jones Average 道琼斯工业指数 ●Will the macro-economic regulation presently in force ●Will the Central Bank raise interest rate? ●When will QDII be launched? ●What will be the level of new capital that is expected ●What are the prospects of the major stocks that are ●Are the stocks listed in the small and medium-sized ●Will the pace of new stock issue be quickened? ●Is the profit margin usually reaped in the first trading |
W 3 C h i n a ( since 2003 ) 旗 下 站 点 苏ICP备05006046号《全国人大常委会关于维护互联网安全的决定》《计算机信息网络国际联网安全保护管理办法》 |
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