-- 作者:hjx_221
-- 发布时间:11/1/2004 10:20:00 AM
-- [推荐]怎样教育孩子十二招[英汉对照]
怎样教育孩子十二招[英汉对照] 第一招,如果孩子提的问题很难,父母当下无法回答,应该查询资料后再回答孩子,切忌不懂装懂,父母也可以借机教导孩子怎样去寻找答案。 If your child asks a difficult question that you can''t answer, first seek the answer and then answer him or her. Do not pretend to understand, as well, you can teach your child to find the answers for himself. 第2招:培养孩子的注意力,父母可以购买拼图,从少块的拼图逐渐增加块数及拼图的复杂程度,如此一来,孩子集中注意力的时间也会不断地增加。 To improve your child''s attention span, have your child play with puzzles beginning from a few pieces and then gradually to more difficult puzzles. 第3招:面对喜欢提问题的小孩,父母千万不要以为孩子还小,三言两语就想打发孩子,因为孩子会感受到你敷衍的态度,渐渐地失去发问的热情、好奇心及求知欲喔! When facing a child who likes to ask questions, don''t answer him in a manner to quickly send him away. He can feel the lack of effort on your part and gradually lose his desire to ask questions, his curiosity and his thirst for knowledge. 第4招:孩子在学习上,时间愈长並不意味效果越好。专注力也会影响学习的效果,注意力的集中时间大约在5-10分钟,建议任何学习的安排,应以不超过30分钟为宜。 In terms of learning, a longer length of time doesn''t necessarily mean a better result. "Concentration" also influences learning result. A child can concentrate for approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Thus, it is suggested that any learning activity should not exceed 30 minutes. 第5招:建立孩子用餐礼仪,可让小朋友在用餐前后,帮忙做一些准备与收拾的简单工作;用餐中可教育孩子碗筷不可敲敲打打、咀嚼食物中不可说话等。 Teach your child''s table manner by asking him to help prepare for a meal and to clean up after a meal. While eating, teach your child table etiquette such as not hitting the table with his chopsticks or bowl as well as not talking with his mouth full. 第6招:对待个性较为害羞內向且不善表达的孩子,父母除了需要细心的观察,也可以用比较轻松的态度鼓励孩子说出要求。 Dealing with a child who is shy and unable to express himself, parents need to carefully observe and encourage him in a calm manner to express his desires. 第7招:孩子的各方面学习可以与生活情境相结合,为让孩子认识日常所吃的食物名称,不妨带孩子到传统市场或超市一起购买东西。 Use daily situations to teach your child a variety of different things. To teach your child the names of certain food items, you can take him to the supermarket to shop together. 第8招:父母平常处理事情的想法或态度上会影响孩子,如果您常用沮丧心情面对事情,嘴上掛着说:“我怎么那么倒楣呀!”反而容易造成孩子日后在事情处理上是悲观、负面的态度。 A parent''s own opinions and attitudes of dealing with certain situations can also influence a child. If you face a problem in a negative and pessimistic manner, such an attitude can lead to your child dealing with situations in the same way. 第9招:为孩子准备属于他的清洁工具,如,小扫帚、小水桶,让他负责一小块地方,如,游戏室等,这能增加孩子的责任感,以及对劳动的兴趣。 Teach your child the importance of household duties. You can have him be in charge of cleaning a certain area such as the playroom. You want your child to be responsible but also have fun too! 第10招:加强孩子的空间观念,父母对孩子说话时,多用在“里面”、“上面”、“下面”、“前面”、“后面”、“最上面”、“最下面”等词语。 To improve a child''s concept of space, parents can use adjectives such as "in", "on", "in front", "in back", "on top" and "at the bottom" when talking. 第11招:告诉孩子多注意听声音,如,听到草中的啾啾声,就教他认识蟋蟀的叫声,听到池塘边的呱呱声,就教他认识青蛙的叫声,还有汽车发动声、喇叭声等等,都可刺激孩子的听觉。 Teach your child to be aware of the sounds around him. Teach him that the chirping sounds in the grass are the sound of crickets. Tell him that the "ribbit" sounds from the pond are the sound of frogs. As well as nature sounds, you can also teach your child the sounds of the city. 第12招:训练孩子认识部份与整体的概念和集中注意力,父母可购买一些拼图游戏,不论硬纸板、木头或塑胶材质均可。 To help with a child''s concept of both the sum and its parts, parents can give their child puzzles made of cardboard, wood, plastic, or ones that parents have made themselves.