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-- 作者:hjx_221 -- 发布时间:9/10/2009 12:32:00 PM -- [转帖]全民总动员,与中式英语说再见 全民总动员,与中式英语说再见 导读:当你在餐厅打开菜谱,看到一道“Small may be happy”时,或许要问问服务员这是什么,答案很可能会令你晕过去:“小可乐”……像这样的中式英语(Chinglish),在中国日益走向国际化的今天,正逐渐受到狙击。 2010年世博会开幕在即,面对即将到来的众多游客,上海不想因那些文不对题的翻译和错误用语而影响城市形象。 Shanghai does not want to lose face over the mistranslations and mistakes when thousands of visitors arrive for the World Expo next year. 这个消息使得很多生活在上海的外国人有些不适应,因为他们已经爱上了那些稀奇古怪的标识。 The news will dismay many English-speaking residents, who have developed a fondness for the city`s quirky signs. 在上海最著名的景观之一——东方明珠电视塔,其入口处有着一块标牌写着:“禁止衣衫不整者、酗酒者及精神病患者入内。” At the Pearl Tower, one of Shanghai`s most famous attractions, a sign forbids "ragamuffin, drunken people and psychotic" from entering. 除此之外还有:“禁止携带宠物及其他破坏公共环境卫生的物品(包括可产生异味的物品)”、“禁止携带病菌,害虫及其他有害生物者入内”。 Further instructions include: "Prohibit carrying animals and the articles which disturb common sanitation (including the peculiar smell of effluvium)" and a ban on "dangerous germs, pests and other baleful biology". 同时,上海的一些地铁标识,如:“请您不要将手机放在腰带上,否则您是在为小偷谋福利”、“如果你被偷走了,请立即与警方联系”……这些标识将退出人们的视线。 Meanwhile, on the city`s subway system, signs such as: "If you take the phone on your waistband, as if to send money to the thief" or "If you are stolen, call the police at once" are likely to vanish forever. 相对而言,公共标识变更起来要容易一些,但对于那些私营企业正大肆使用的“中式英语”,政府方面是否会放任其继续泛滥,这还有待观望。一些手机专卖店夸口说自己是“被垄断的移动电话”,而也有餐厅因使用电脑翻译软件出现问题,导致直接将英文"翻译服务器错误"印在了招牌上。 Although public signs can be easily altered, there remains some doubt over whether officials can contain the spread of Chinglish among private businesses. Some stores boast that they are "Cellular telephone is monopolied" while a problem using a computer translation 语言文字工作委员会有关人员张日培指出,中式英语标牌有损整个城市的商业形象。他还提到位于上海虹桥机场附近的一家宾馆,这家名为“航友”的宾馆直接将自己的汉语拼音当成了英文名:“Hang You”。 Zhang Ripei, an official on the Language Work Committee, said Chinglish signs were "degrading" to the image of businesses in the city. He mentioned one hotel near Shanghai`s Hongqiao airport which anglicised its name into "Hang You Hotel". 不过,他表示,十项指南中的这些新规则都是非强制性的。对于那些拒绝更改标牌名称的公司,并没有规定相应惩罚措施。 However, he said the new rules, contained in a ten-volume guide, would not be mandatory and there would be no punishment for firms that refused to correct their signage. 自称为“小杨”的某中式英语治理学生小组发起人说:“我认为遵循标准规范很有必要,尤其是在公共标识方面,只有这样才不至于让那些初来乍到的游客感到困惑。” One of the organisers of a student team, who named himself as Mr Yang, said: "I think it`s necessary to follow the standard norms, especially on public signs so that there is no confusion for first time visitors. 小杨还说:“对于上海人来说,中式英语标牌很亲切,但对于游客,尤其是外国来宾,这些标语很可能会令人误解。” "The Chinglish signs are sometimes quite endearing to Shanghai people, but for visitors, especially foreign guests, they can be quite misleading." 雷人“中式英语”大集合: Astonished Chinglish: 四喜丸子 Four Glad Meat balls 用过请冲水,解释:厕所光冲(flush)不行,居然还要“洗”(wash)! Wash after relief 童子鸡 Chickens That Did Not Have Sexual Experience 你问我,我问谁? You ask me,me ask who? 马马虎虎 Horse horse tiger tiger. 云南某医院的B超室门牌 The Super B 咱俩谁跟谁? We two who and who? |
-- 作者:Humphrey -- 发布时间:9/17/2009 11:42:00 AM -- 既然要消灭中式英语,楼主也得把文末的中式英语“改邪归正”啊。 我们正等着学习地道的说法呢! |
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