-- 作者:hongjunli
-- 发布时间:5/1/2006 10:08:00 AM
-- JAVA中常用数据类型转换函数
JAVA中常用数据类型转换函数: string->byte Byte static byte parseByte(String s) byte->string Byte static String toString(byte b) char->string Character static String to String (char c) string->Short Short static Short parseShort(String s) Short->String Short static String toString(Short s) String->Integer Integer static int parseInt(String s) Integer->String Integer static String tostring(int i) String->Long Long static long parseLong(String s) Long->String Long static String toString(Long i) String->Float Float static float parseFloat(String s) Float->String Float static String toString(float f) String->Double Double static double parseDouble(String s) Double->String Double static String toString(Double d) 这是一个例子,说的是JAVA中数据数型的转换。供大家学习参考 package cn.com.lwkj.erts.register; import java.sql.Date; public class TypeChange { public TypeChange() { } //change the string type to the int type public static int stringToInt(String intstr) { Integer integer; integer = Integer.valueOf(intstr); return integer.intValue(); } //change int type to the string type public static String intToString(int value) { Integer integer = new Integer(value); return integer.toString(); } //change the string type to the float type public static float stringToFloat(String floatstr) { Float floatee; floatee = Float.valueOf(floatstr); return floatee.floatValue(); } //change the float type to the string type public static String floatToString(float value) { Float floatee = new Float(value); return floatee.toString(); } //change the string type to the sqlDate type public static java.sql.Date stringToDate(String dateStr) { return java.sql.Date.valueOf(dateStr); } //change the sqlDate type to the string type public static String dateToString(java.sql.Date datee) { return datee.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { java.sql.Date day ; day = TypeChange.stringToDate("2003-11-3"); String strday = TypeChange.dateToString(day); System.out.println(strday); } }