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----  [求助]应该如何编程?  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=61&rootid=&id=28782)

--  作者:winniesnow
--  发布时间:3/17/2006 3:10:00 AM

--  [求助]应该如何编程?
1,Program DFT and inverse DFT in C programming language which computes the analysis and synthesis equations in lecture note #3.   Your program is to accept an input parameter for DFT length.  Perform DFT with following inputs, then inverst DFT with your DFT results.  Compare the results from IDFT with the original input.  Do you see more than two frequency components in your FFT result?  Explain where those spurious frequency components came from.
2,Program FFT and Inverse FFT in C programming language.  Perform FFT with the same input as above, then IFFT with your FFT results.  Compare the results with previous one.  

3,Perform FFT and IFFT in Matlab with the same input sequence, and compare the results with those you got from your C program.

Following:  Generate your input sequence by adding two sine waves of 1KHz and 3KHz, and sampling at 10KHz.  Try FFT length of both 32 and 64.  


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