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----  [讨论]关于对字符串中各单词按字母顺序排序的问题  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=61&rootid=&id=63092)

--  作者:tianzhaoling
--  发布时间:5/27/2008 10:29:00 AM

--  [讨论]关于对字符串中各单词按字母顺序排序的问题

void main()
    vector<char *> words;

 char source[] = "Most websites and web applications run smoothly and correctly as long as only one user e.g."
              "the original developer or just a few users are visiting at a given time. But what happens if"
     "thousands of users access the website or web application at the same time?"
              "Using Webserver Stress Tool you can simulate various load patterns for your"
     "webserver which will help you to find problems in your webserver set up With"
     "steadily increasing loads you are able to find out how much load you server can"
     "handle before serious problems arise";

 char *t = strtok(source," ");

 while(t) {
  t[0] = isupper(t[0]) ? tolower(t[0]) : t[0];
  t = strtok(NULL," ");

 for(int i=0,p=words.size()-1,sub=words.size()-1; i<sub; ++i,--p)
  for(int x=0; x<p; ++x)
   if ( strcmp(words[x],words[x+1]) == 1 )
    char *temp = words[x];
    words[x] = words[x+1];
    words[x+1] = temp;


 copy(words.begin(),words.end(),ostream_iterator<char *>(cout,"\n"));

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