以文本方式查看主题 - 计算机科学论坛 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/index.asp) -- 『 C/C++编程思想 』 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/list.asp?boardid=61) ---- DXUT源码分析 ---- 类CDXUTMeshFrame (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=61&rootid=&id=70888) |
-- 作者:卷积内核 -- 发布时间:12/26/2008 10:51:00 AM -- DXUT源码分析 ---- 类CDXUTMeshFrame 类CDXUTMeshFrame封装了CDXUTMesh,与CDXUTMesh不同的是,类CDXUTMeshFrame可以包含框架层次结构,适用于更复杂的网格模型,框架层次正是骨骼动画所必须的。 首先来看看它的定义: CDXUTMeshFrame* m_pNext; // 指向下一个框架对象 public: CDXUTMesh* FindMesh( LPCWSTR strMeshName ); bool EnumMeshes( bool (*EnumMeshCB)(CDXUTMesh*, void*), void* pContext ); HRESULT Destroy(); HRESULT Render( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, CDXUTMeshFrame( LPCWSTR strName = L"CDXUTMeshFile_Frame" );
构造函数和析构函数只是负责初始化数据和释放分配的资源: CDXUTMeshFrame::CDXUTMeshFrame( LPCWSTR strName ){ StringCchCopy(m_strName, 512, strName); FindMesh()和FindFrame()是两个递归查找函数,根据输入的网格名称和框架名称查找对应的网格和框架: CDXUTMesh* CDXUTMeshFrame::FindMesh( LPCWSTR strMeshName ){ CDXUTMesh* pMesh; lstrcmpi()在比较两个字符串时忽略大小写: The lstrcmpi function compares two character strings. The comparison is not case sensitive. Syntax int lstrcmpi( LPCTSTR lpString1, LPCTSTR lpString2); lpString1 If the string pointed to by lpString1 is less than the string pointed to by lpString2, the return value is negative. If the string pointed to by lpString1 is greater than the string pointed to by lpString2, the return value is positive. If the strings are equal, the return value is zero. Remarks The lstrcmpi function compares two strings by checking the first characters against each other, the second characters against each other, and so on until it finds an inequality or reaches the ends of the strings. Note that the lpString1 and lpString2 parameters must be null terminated, otherwise the string comparison can be incorrect. The function returns the difference of the values of the first unequal characters it encounters. For example, lstrcmpi determines that "abcz" is greater than "abcdefg" and returns the difference of z and d. The language (user locale) selected by the user at setup time, or through Control Panel, determines which string is greater (or whether the strings are the same). If no language (user locale) is selected, the system performs the comparison by using default values. For some locales, the lstrcmpi function may be insufficient. If this occurs, use CompareString to ensure proper comparison. For example, in Japan call with the NORM_IGNORECASE, NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE, and NORM_IGNOREWIDTH values to achieve the most appropriate non-exact string comparison. The NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE and NORM_IGNOREWIDTH values are ignored in non-Asian locales, so you can set these values for all locales and be guaranteed to have a culturally correct "insensitive" sorting regardless of the locale. Note that specifying these values slows performance, so use them only when necessary. With a double-byte character set (DBCS) version of the system, this function can compare two DBCS strings. The lstrcmpi function uses a word sort, rather than a string sort. A word sort treats hyphens and apostrophes differently than it treats other symbols that are not alphanumeric, in order to ensure that words such as "coop" and "co-op" stay together within a sorted list. For a detailed discussion of word sorts and string sorts, see the Remarks section for the CompareString function.
EnumMeshes()是一个递归枚举函数,对所有框架的所有网格递归调用传递进来的函数: bool CDXUTMeshFrame::EnumMeshes( bool (*EnumMeshCB)(CDXUTMesh*, void*), void* pContext ){ if( m_pMesh ) EnumMeshCB( m_pMesh, pContext ); HRESULT CDXUTMeshFrame::Destroy(){ if( m_pMesh ) m_pMesh->Destroy(); if( m_pChild ) m_pChild->Destroy(); if( m_pNext ) m_pNext->Destroy(); Render()负责网格框架的绘制,它只是调用CDXUTMesh::Render()来负责网格的绘制,由于框架的层次包含关系,所以该函数也是一个递归函数。需要注意的是该函数包含的最后一个参数,它允许用户指定世界坐标变换矩阵,如果该参数为NULL,则从设备获取已设置好的世界坐标矩阵,注意如果是虚拟设备,必须设置该矩阵,不能为NULL。 HRESULT CDXUTMeshFrame::Render( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, bool bDrawOpaqueSubsets, bool bDrawAlphaSubsets, D3DXMATRIX* pmatWorldMatrix ){ // For pure devices, specify the world transform. // If the world transform is not specified on pure devices, this function will fail.
-- 作者:秋十三 -- 发布时间:1/2/2009 8:30:00 PM -- 好!!!!!!!!!! 我顶啊 |
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