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----  RA positions at U of Tennessee (Computer Engineering)  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=70&rootid=&id=40950)

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:12/7/2006 11:48:00 AM

--  RA positions at U of Tennessee (Computer Engineering)
RA positions at U of Tennessee (Computer Engineering)

Several Research Assistant positions in Computer Engineering (or Computer Science) are available at the University of Tennessee.

A professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville is looking for two or three self-motivated Ph.D. students to enroll in the Computer Engineering Ph.D. program from Fall 2007.  Students will work on distributed real-time embedded systems, wireless sensor networks or power-aware computing.  

Applicants are expected to have considerable background (BS/MS education or other comparable experience) in Computer Engineering, Computer Science or other related fields.  Successful candidates will receive full tuition waiver and a competitive monthly stipend.  While all candidates are welcome, preference will be given to those who already have Master degrees and considerable research experience in related fields.  For students who want to work on wireless sensor network, experience in NS-2 or Berkeley motes is strongly preferred. For students who want to work on distributed real-time embedded systems, experience in systems and network programming is preferred. For students who want to work on power-aware computing, experience in computer control systems (discrete control) is preferred.

Interested students should send their resumes as soon as possible to Professor Wang at xwang (at) ece (dot) utk (dot) edu.  Applications will be reviewed immediately after being received.

The University of Tennessee is a major research university in the US and is the flagship university in the state of Tennessee.  It has been officially announced that the CS and ECE departments at the University of Tennessee will merge to form a new EECS department.  Hence, students who want to pursue a Computer Science Ph.D. degree are also encouraged to apply.

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