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-- 作者:ICIE2011 -- 发布时间:1/4/2011 11:48:00 AM -- [ EI/ISTP] 2011网络物理系统和普适计算国际学术会议征文 离截稿日期还有25天 2011 WASE International Workshop on Ubiquitous computing MANET and Cyber Physical System (UMC2011) Call for Papers Xi'an, China, 30 July, 2011 UMC 2011已与International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI)期刊(SCI源刊)合作,遴选本届大会的优秀论文出版模式识别和人工智能方向的专刊,并邀请IJPRAI的主编,IAPR Fellow and ISIBM Fellow,Prof. Patrick S. P. Wang作为本次大会的关键报告人。 WASE已经与国外著名出版社Wiley建立了战略合作关系,出版社旗下的Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering(SCI源刊)将以专刊的形式接收UMC 2011推荐的优秀论文。 UMC 已和EI期刊推荐合作,优秀论文推荐到以下EI期刊发表: Journal of Computers (JCP, ISSN 1796-203X), 2011 WASE International Workshop on Ubiquitous computing MANET and Cyber Physical System (UMC2011)In conjunction with 2011 WASE International conference on Information Engineering (ICIE2011 http://www.enjoywise.org/icie2011) More than 35 years of research in distributed computing systems, more than two decades of mobile computing, together with long-term work on intelligent control have made the rapid advances in ubiquitous technologies. Ubiquitous computers, networks and information are paving a road towards a smart world in which computational intelligence is distributed throughout the physical environment to provide trustworthy and relevant services to people. MANET have not yet achieved the envisaged impact in terms of real world implementation and industrial deployment. The research on MANET lacks realism from a technical standpoint and from a socio-economic standpoint. Researchers concentrated on large-scale and completely decentralized networks built upon user devices only, with no authority in charge of controlling and managing the network. Addressing a very general network model provides many interesting problems from the academic standpoint. Important Dates Please submit your papers by using Easychair Conference System or icie@enjoywise.org The topics of the workshop include, but not limited to: |
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