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----  VSuite Ramdisk  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=76&rootid=&id=79274)

--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:12/24/2009 10:40:00 PM

--  VSuite Ramdisk
VSuite Ramdisk

Nowadays the performance of a computer's main component like CPU, RAM, mainboard or video card improve very fast. However hard disk, one of the main components, improve very slowly because it relies on mechanical parts while other components that process data are entirely electronic. It is becoming a main bottleneck degrading the computer's whole performance, especially in applications such as network server systems, large image processing and 3D games.

VSuite Ramdisk is a great solution to hard disk bottleneck. It can greatly reduce the work of hard disk by using computer's RAM to simulate a hard disk. Access time can be greatly improved to files held on Ramdsiks, and so the throughput of your computer may improve by many times. Besides the service life of a physical hard disk will be prolonged via reducing access. This is suitable for applications such as P2P download.

It can also detect the memory which is invisible to OS when your system has 4GB RAM or more.


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