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    Lesson26 About Availability


    449.When could you start working? 你何时能开始工作?

    450.I can start tomorrow if you like. 如果需要,我可以明天上班。

    451.When can you start the job? 你何时能开始上班?

    452.I'll go and quit my job in the ABC Company. 我要先到 ABC 公司辞职。

    453.How about next Wednesday? 星期三怎么样?

    454.No problem. 没问题。

    455.Then we'll see at 9 o’clock next Wednesday.那下周三上午 9 点见。

    456.Can you come tomorrow morning?你明早能上班吗?

    457.I'm afraid not. 恐怕不行。

    458.But can you make it Thursday afternoon? 星期四下午怎么样?

    459.Yes,see you then. 好的,到时再见。

    460.That's all right. 好吧。

    461.When you come,ask for Smith,O.K.? 你来的时候就找史密斯,行吗?

    462.Can you start on Monday? 你能在星期一来上班吗?

    463.I can't start on Monday.There's a few personal things I have to take care of. 星期一我不能上班,我有一些个人事务需要处理。

    464.Would Thursday be all right? 星期四可以吗?

    465.Now tell me when you can start to work here. 请你告诉我你何时能开始上班?

    466.I'll come here as soon as I receive my diploma and bachelor's degree certificate next month. 我下个月一拿到毕业证书和学士学位证书就会来这儿上班。

    467.Perhaps somewhere around July 20. 可能在 7 月 20 号左右。

    468.I can start to work in a month. 一个月后我可以开始工作。

    469.I must go back to Nanjing to hand over my work and to go through necessary procedures. 我要回南京一趟,移交我的工作,办理必要的手续。

    Dialogue A
    (I=Interviewer 主试人  A=Applicant 受试人)

    I:When can you start to work here?

    A:I can start to work in a month.I must go back to Nanjing to hand over my work and to go through necessary procedures.

    I:We'll look forward to your coming back.I wish you a nice trip,Mr. Wang.

    A:Thank you.See you next month.

    Dialogue B

    I:When can you start the job?

    A:I'll go and quit my job in the ABC Company.

    I:Can you start on Monday?

    A:I'm afraid not,but can you make it Thursday afternoon? I:That's all right.When you come,ask for Smith,O.K.? A:Yes,See you then.
    Dialogue C

    I:What date can you start to work?

    A:I won't able to leave the institute until I get my diploma and bacelor's degree certificate at the end
    of this month.How about early next month?

    I:That'll do.Please come in on August 1st.Working hours are from eight to twelve in the morning and from two to six in the afternoon.We usually work for five days a week,but occasionally we have
    to work overtime.


    I:  'll see you on August 1st then.Thank you very much for coming today.It'll be a pleasure to have you here.

    A:Thank you,Mr. Paul.I'm sure I'll enjoy working here,too.

    I:I hope so.Good-bye.


    Notes  注释

    1.I wish you a nice trip,Mr. Wang.祝你一路顺风,王先生。

    2.I won't able to leave the institute until I get my diploma at the end of this month. 我要到本月底拿到毕业证和学士学位证书才能离开学校。

    3.That'll do. 那行。

    4.But occasionally we have to work overtime. 但偶尔我们也需要加班。

    5.It'll be a pleasure to have you here. 能聘用你真是我们的荣幸。

    6.I hope so. 希望如此。

    Words and Expressions

    quit v.离开,辞职
    make it 定时间,规定时间
    bachelor n.学士
    bachelor's degree 学士学位
    certificate n.证书,证明
    hand over  移交
    procedure   n.程序,手续

    Lesson27 About Ways to Contact You  (Ⅰ) 关于联系方式(Ⅰ)

    470.We'll send you a letter then,if you're hired. 我们如果决定雇佣你,就会给你去信。

    471.Your phone number? 你的电话号码是多少?

    472.What number could we reach you? 你的联络电话是?

    473.My home number is 3755818. 我家电话是 3755818。

    474.In case I'm not there,please leave a message and I will call back for your instruction.

    475.We will let you know probably next Tuesday.I hope to give you the positive reply. 我们大概会在下星期二让您知道,我希望让您有个肯定的答复。

    476.Thank you,I will be glad to hear that. 谢谢,如能听到这消息我将很荣幸。

    477.If your application is successful,we will notify you by mail. 如果你申请成功,我们会去信通知你。

    478.When can I know whether I am accepted or not? 我什么时候才能知道是否被录用呢?

    479.I think we'll send you a letter by early next week,if you are wanted. 我想,如果你被聘用,我们将在下周初给你去信。

    480.We may give you a call. 我们可以打电话给你。

    481.By the way,have you got a telephone? 顺便问一下,你有电话吗?

    482.Yes.My office phone number is 3738323. 我办公室电话是 3738323。

    483.What's the best time to call you,then? 那什么时候给你打电话最合适呢?

    484.Between four and five in the afternoon,I'm afraid. 恐怕在下午 4 点至 5 点之间。

    485.When can you give me your final decision? 您什么时候可以给我答复?

    486.We'll notify you next Thursday at the latest.Shall I tele-phone you? 我们最迟下周四就通知你。我打电话给你行吗?

    487.You won't be able reach me directly by phone. 您打电话找不到我。

    488.But you can page me over BP.My BP number is 127-2650866. 不过您可以呼我的 BP 机,我的 BP 机号码是 127-2650866。

    489.Do you have my number? 你知道我的电话号码吗?

    490.Yes,I see it here on the resume. 是的,我看到你的简历上有。

    Dialogue A
    (I=Interviewer 主试人  A=Applicant 受试人)

    A:When can I know whether I am accepted or not?

    I:I think we'll send you a letter by early next week,if you are wanted.Or we may give you a call.By the way,have you got a telephone?

    A:Yes,My office phone number is 3738323.

    I:What's the best time to call you,then?

    A:Between four and five in the afternoon,I'm afraid.

    I:Thank you for coming,Miss Yan.

    A:The pleasure is mine.It's been nice talking with you,madam.Good-bye.

    Dialogue B

    A:When can yon give me the final decision?

    I:We'll notify you next Thursday at the latest.Shall I telephone you?

    A:You won't be able to reach me directly by phone,but you can page me over BP.My BP number is

    I:All right.Thank you for coming today.

    A:Thank you for your interview with me,madam.

    Dialogue C

    I:How can we contact you about our decision?

    A:By telephone,please.De you have my number?

    I:Yes.I see it here on the resume.May I call you at your office about our final decision?


    I:Thank you,Miss Zhao,for your interest in this job.Good luck to you.

    Notes  注释

    1.The pleasure is mine. 我也感到很荣幸。

    2.How can we contact you about our decision? 我们决定下来后怎么跟你联系?

    3.Good luck to you. 祝你好运。

    Words and Expressions

    in case 万一,假如
    positive a.肯定的,正面的
    notify v.通知,告知
    by mail 邮寄
    want v.聘用
    by the way 顺便问一下
    page v.找寻,呼唤,打传呼


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