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    Lesson 36 About the Job of a Secretary  关于秘书职务

    662.What sort of responsibilities does this secretary's job involve? 贵公司的秘书工作有哪些职责?

    663.This job is handling routine tasks,such as typing letters and documents,receiving visitors,answering phone calls and so on. 这项工作要处理日常常规工作,如打印信件和文件、接待来客、接电话等等。

    664.I think I'll get familiar in no time. 我想我很快会熟悉的。

    665.Moreover,how  is  your  English  ability?Do  you  think  you  could  handle  telephone  calls  in English? 此外,你英语水平如何?你能用英语打电话吗?

    666.I think I can.My English scores were always on the top three of my class of 40 at school. 我想我能,我的英语成绩在我班 40 名同学中一直是前三名。

    667.I am afraid you can't file in English. 恐怕你不会用英语处理文件。

    668.But I'd be glad to learn,sir. 但我很愿学,先生。

    669.I see in your application that you've several years’ experience in secretarial work.What kind of work were you doing at your previous employer's company? 从你的申请材料中看出你有多年秘书经历,你在以前的公司做什么工作?

    670.I was in charge of the office in a general way.I supervised three other girls and also took care of the company's correspondence. 我负责一般日常工作。我督导其他三位女职员,我还负责处理公司的函件。

    671.Did you take shorthand and do all the typing? 你工作中用速记吗?是否承担所有打字任务?

    672.I  typed  all  the  letters  that  went  out  of  the  office.I  was  the  only  one  there  who  could  take shorthand.办公室发出的函件都由我打。我是办公室中惟一会速记的人。

    673.How is your shorthand? 你的速记速度如何?

    674.I can take dictation at ordinary speed. 我能听写记录正常速度的口授。

    675.What courses have you taken in English Secretarial Studies? 你在英文秘书方面修了哪些课程?

    676.I've taken such courses as secretarial principles,office ad-ministration,business English,public relations,etiquette  study,psychology,computer  programming,typing,stenography,and file-keeping.

    677.Can you operate any office machines? 你能操作办公设备吗?

    678.I can type 60 words per minute,and take dictation in English at 100 words per minute. 我每分钟能打 60 个字,每分钟可用英文记录口授 100 字。

    679.I can operate a facsimile machine and a photostat. 我会操作传真机和复印机。

    680.Where have you learned how to operate these machines? 你是在哪里学会操作这些机器的?

    681.I learned how to operate them at ABC Company.I worked there for nearly two years. 这是在 ABC 公司学会操作这些机器的,我在那儿工作了近两年。

    Dialogue B
    (I= Interviewer  主试人  A= Applicant  申请人)

    A:May I come in?


    A:How do you do,sir?I'm Shuijng Cai.I've come for an inter-view as requested.

    I:How do you do,Miss Cai?I'm Hongwei Guo,the office administrator,please take a seat.

    A:Thank you,Mr. Guo.

    I:Now let's get down to talk.First of all,would you please say something about yourself and family?

    A:It's my pleasure to do so.I come from Dongguan city.My father is the manager of an import and export  company  in  Dongguan  and  my  mother  works  as  a  doctor  in  a  hospital.I have  an  elder brother.He is in the army.I am twenty-one years old.In 1992,I passed the National College Entrance  Examinations  and  was  admitted  into  Guangzhou  Institute  of  Foreign  Languages  as  an English Major.I specialize in English Secretarial Studies.

    I:What courses have you taken in English Secretarial studies?

    A:I've taken such courses as secretarial principles,office administration,business English,public relations , etiquette  study , psychology , computer  programming , typing , stenography  and

    I:How are your typing and shorthand skills?

    A:I can type 60 words per minute,and take dictation in English at 100 words per minute.

    I:I'd like to try you out.Here's a pencil and a pad.Please take this letter:Johnson Trading Company, Sixteen  Regent  Street.Now  if  you  don't  mind,would  you  type  up  your  dictation  on  that typewriter?

    A:Not at all,sir.(preceed to typing)Here you are,Mr. Guo.

    I:Thanks.Humm,pretty good.No mistakes and very fast,too.But can you operate any other office machines?

    A:Yes.I can operate a facsimile machine and a photostat.

    I:Where have you learned how to operate these machines?

    A:I learned how to operate them at Foreign Trade Corporation of Guangdong Province last summer.I
    worked there for nearly two months.


    A:Yes,it was a very helpful experience.

    I:What did you work there,office work?

    A:Yes,mostly office work and sometimes running errands.

    I:Oh,very good,very good.You've had some practical experience in office work.By the way,
    have you had any experience as a guide?

    A:Well,not exactly.But I have shown some of my foreign teachers around Guangzhou and the Pearl
    River Delta as well.

    I:Once in a while we'll organize the members of this club to sightseeing around Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta and I would like to be able to ask my secretary to take them to go sightseeing when there is not much to do in the office.

    A:I think I would like that.

    I:Fine.You are the very person we want.

    A:Thank you,sir.

    I:What salary would you expect to get?

    A:As for salary,I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity.

    I:Well,I believe we can offer you 2,500 yuan a month at the start.Would that be satisfactory?

    A:Yes,I am quite satisfied.That would be more than I have expected.

    I:What date can you start to work?

    A:I won't be able to leave the institute until I get my diploma at the end of this month.How about early next month?

    I:That'll do.Please come in on August 1st.Working hours are from eight to twelve in the morning and from two to six in the afternoon.We usually work for five days a week,but occasionally we have
    to work overtime.


    I:I'll see you on August 1st then.Thank you very much for coming today.It'll be a pleasure to have you here.

    A:Thank you,Mr. Guo.I'm sure I'll enjoy working here,too.

    I:I hope so.Good-bye.


    Notes  注释

    1.Let's get down to talk,first of all... 让我们开始谈吧,首先…

    2.In 1992,I passed the National College Entrance Examinations and was admitted into Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages as an English major.I specialize in English Secretarial Studies,
    1992 年我通过了高考,录取到广州外国语学院主修英语,我专攻英语文秘。

    3.I would like to try you out. 我想考一考你。

    4.Please take this letter:Johnson Trading Company,Sixteen Regent Street. 请记录这封信:摄政街 16 号,强臣贸易公司…

    5.Yes,mostly office work and sometimes running errands. 是的,大部分是办公室工作,可有时跑外勤。

    6.Well,not exactly.But I have shown some of my foreign teachers around Guangzhou and the Pear River Delta as well.嗯,不算真有,但我曾经带过我的一些外籍教师游览过广州市和珠江三角洲。

    7.Once in a while we’11 organize the members of this club to sightsee around Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta and I would like to be able to ask my secretary to take them to go sightseeing when there is not much to do in the office. 我们偶尔会组织本中心的会员游览广州市和珠江三角洲,在办公室没多少事干的时候,我希 望能叫我的秘书带他们去游览观光。

    Words and Expressions

    Administrator n.行政官员,管理官员
    office administrator 办公室主任
    first of all 首先
    admit v.允许进入,录取
    be admitted into 被…录取
    etiquette n.礼仪,格式
    stenography n.速记法
    pad n.便笺簿
    regent n.摄政王
    Sixteen Regent Street 摄政街 16 号
    Facsimile machine 传真机
    photostat n.v.复印,复印机
    errand n.差使,使命
    run errands 出差,跑腿
    go an errand 出差,跑腿

    Lesson 37 About the Job of a Computer Programmer 关于电脑程序员职务

    682.What kind of experience have you got for the job? 申请这项工作,你有什么工作经历?

    683.I've been a data entry operator for more than two years. 我做数据输入操作员有两年了。

    684.Why did you leave your job there?你为什么要离开呢?

    685.Well,I enjoy working in different places and meeting new people.That will widen my experience
    in the field of computer technology. 噢,我喜欢在不同的环境中与不同的人一起工作,这会在电脑技术领域扩大我的经历。

    686.What kind of education have you got? 你受过什么教育?

    687.I studied computer science in Havard University,and got a M.S.degree.

    688.I majored in computer science. 我主修电脑专业。

    689.What specialized courses did you take? 你学过什么专业课程?

    690.The specialized courses I completed include computer science,system design and analysis,operation systems,systems management,PASCAL programming,COBOL programming and D-BASE programming. 我学过的专业课程包括:计算机科学、系统设计及分析、操作系统、系统管理、PASCAL 编程、COBOL 编程和 D-BASE 编程。

    691.I was quite familiar with Fortran and C Language. 我很熟悉 Fortran 和 C 语言。

    692.After graduation I worked in a factory for two years and have picked up much experience in CAD.
    毕业后我在一家工厂干了两年,在 CAD 方面积累了不少经验。

    693.What do you think about the recent development in computers? 你如何看待计算机行业在近几年内的发展?

    694.Revolution in the computer industry is inevitable because developments in hardware are going ahead very quickly.But to turn the computer into a machine that can be easily manipulated, much  more  complex  software  is  needed  than  is  available  now.As  a  result,more  computer programmers should devote themselves into the work. 计算机行业的革命是不可避免的,因为硬件的发展十分迅速,但为了使计算机更易于操作, 需要更多复杂的软件,结果,也需要更多的程序员。

    695.We have a vacancy for a computer programmer,working weekdays from 9∶00 a.m.to 3∶00 p.m.with half an hour lunch break.我们有一个电脑程序员的空缺,每天上班上午 9∶00 点至下午 3∶00 点,中间有半小时的 午餐休息时间。

    696.What sort of software do you have a good command of? 你熟练使用哪些软件?

    697.I'm adept at DOS,WINDOS,and AUTO CAD. 我熟练使用  DOS,WINDOS 和  AUTO CAD。

    698.May I know what specific jobs I'll have to do if you employ me as a computer programmer? 请问,如果贵公司聘我为电脑程序员,我必须做些什么具体工作呢?

    699.Well,you'll have to put in the computer our daily sales volume and profit margins and analyze them.Are you interested in the work? 噢,你得将我们每天的销售额和盈利情况输入电脑,并且进行分析。你对此项工作感兴趣吗?

    Dialogue A
    (E= the Employer 雇主 O= Office Clerk 办公室职员  A= Applicant 申请人)

    O:God morning,can I help you?

    A:Yes.I have an appointment with Mr. Brian Desmoud.Will you please tell him I'm here?

    O:Are you Mr. Dongming Chen?

    A:Yes,I am.Is he availble?

    O:I'm sorry,he is on the phone at the moment.Will you please wait a minute?

    A:No problem.


    O:Mr. Dongming Chen,Brian is available now.Please go through to his office.

    (meeting the employer)

    E:Hello,I'm Brian.Glad you can come.

    A:I'm Dongming Chen.Nince to meet you.

    E:Take a seat please.


    E:What kind of education have you got?

    A:I studied computer science in Nanjng University,and got a M.S.degree.

    E:Fine.Would you mind telling me what kind of grades you had?

    A:Of course not I had an average of 90 points.

    I:What specialized courses did you take?

    A:The  specialized  courses  I  completed  include  computer  science,system  design  and  analysis,operation  systems,systems  management,PASCAL programming,COBOL programming  and
    D-BASE programming.

    E:Where are you working now?

    A:I'm working at ABC Company.

    E:What's your position there?

    A:I'm a programmer supervisor.

    E:What are your responsibilities?
    A:I'm responsible for writing computer programs:developing block diagrams,utilizing available software and operation systems,and coding machine instructions;originating block diagrams, working from outlines of proposed systems;developing file sizes,programming specifications; determining appropriate use of tape or disk files,printer,etc.;selecting in-house software or sub-routines to run in connection with program;writing machine instructions,testing,debugging,and assembling program;documenting overall system and developing data control procedures;advising and instructing less experienced programmers and offering operating instructions.

    E:What kind of computer are you experienced in?

    A:I'm experienced in all types of IBM-PC computers.

    E:What kind o software do you have a good command of?

    A:I'm adept at DOS,WINDOWS and AUTO-CAD.

    E:How long have you been a programmer supervisor?

    A:For more than four years.

    E:Tell me why you decided to choose our office.

    A:Well,I'm happy with the work at my present post.But I want to get better pay,to tell you the truth.

    E:What's your present monthly salary?

    A:Sixteen hundred yuan.

    E:What starting salary would you expect here?

    A:I'd like to start at twenty-six hundred yuan a month.

    E:No problem.Do you have any questions to ask?

    A:Is there opportunity to advance?

    E:Yes,there're good prospects for promotion.

    A:Good,this job should suit me well.

    E:Can you start next Monday?


    E:That's settled then.I'm glad to be able to offer you the job.

    A:Thank you,Brian.

    E:See you next monday.

    Notes  注释

    1.Is he available? 他在不在?

    2.I am a programmer supervisor. 我任程序员主管。

    3.I'm responsible for writing computer programs:developing block diagrams,utilizing available software and operation systems,and coding machine instructions;originating block digrams, working from outlines of proposed systems;developing file sizes,programming specifications; determing appropriate use of tape or disk files,printer,etc. 我负责编制计算机程序:编制部件图;运用现有软件和操作系统编制机器指令;根据所用系 统的略图自编部件图;编制磁卡规格和程序规格;决定使用合适的磁盘、磁卡、打印机等等。

    4.…  selecting in-house software of sub-routines to run in connection with program;writing machine instruction,testing,debugging,and  assembling  program;documenting  overall  system  and developing data control procedures;advising and instructing less experienced programmers and offering operating instructions. 选择同程序相关的机内软件或子程序;编制计算机指令;检测、改正程序中的差错并组合程 序;编制总系统并制定数据控制程序;指导经验不足的程序员并给予操作指导。

    5.But I want to get better pay,to tell you the truth. 不过,说实话,我想获得更优厚的报酬。

    6.Yes,there're good prospects for promotion. 有,提升的机会很多。

    7.That's settled then. 那么,就这样定了。

    Words and Expressions

    software n.软件
    hardware n.硬件
    pick up v.积累
    CAD:Computer Assisted Design 电脑辅助设计
    inevitable a.不可避免的
    Is he available? 他在不在?(我可不可以见他?)
    on the phone 正在打电话
    M.S degree:Master of Science degree 理学硕士学位
    supervisor   n.主管,监督人
    programmer n.程序员
    diagram n.图解,图式
    code v.编码
    code machine instructions 编制机器指令
    specification n.规格(常用复数形式)
    debug v.排除错误
    adept a.长于…的


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