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    Lesson 44  About the Job of Head of Claim Department 关于索赔部门主管职务

    809.Did you work in a similar position before?你以前做过同样的工作吗?

    810. Yes.I have been with ABC Insurance Company for four years,and before that,I worked with the Pacific surveyor company as claim officer.
    我在 ABC 保险公司干了四年,此前在太平洋验货公司做负责索赔的工作。

    811.Could you tell me the usual procedures to handle such case? 你能告诉我处理这类案件的一般程序吗?

    812.Yes,on the shipper's side,when the cargos arrived, all relevant documents will be forwarded to  the  consignee.Among other things,this party has to check carefully con-tent of the packing list and weight list.When cargos is found to be damaged of shortlanded, this party has to call for a joint survey by  representatives of the shipping company and the insurance agent.Based on the survey report,they will lodge a claim for compensation.好的,在发货 人方面, 当货物到达时,所有的文件必须送交给买货人。其中,当事人必须仔细查阅装箱单及重量 单之内容,一旦发现货物损坏或缺少,当事人必须召集船务公司及保险公司双方之代表共 同查验,根据查验报告,即可提出赔偿要求。

    813.If you act as our representative what would you do to safeguard our interest? 假设你身为我方代表,你将怎样做以维护我方利益?

    814.I think,first of all,I will ask the consignee to produce survey report on loading,if they can't produce that I suggest them to refer the case to their shipper. Meanwhile,bad weather could be a good excuse to refuse the responsibility. 我想,首先会要求取货人出示装运时的查验报告,假如他们不能出示,我建议他们去与寄 货人交涉。此外,不良气候也是可以推卸责任的最佳理由。

    815.  Are you able to operate the telex? 你能操作电传机吗?

    816.Yes,I used to dispatch telex to shipper and the consignee to inform them change of our schedule and other information. 是的,我经常向寄货人和取货人发出电传,通知他们船期的更改及其他消息。

    817.  Now tell me if you have a good command of both written and spoken English. 请告诉我你的英语口语和书面语是否都很好。

    818. When I was at college,I passed Band Six of College English Test.All the foreign business men I've dealt with say my English is quite good. 我上大学时就通过了大学英语六级考试,所有和我打过交道的外商都说我英语很好。

    819.  If you are selected in this position,you must prepare to travel overseas frequently. 假如你被录取,你必须准备经常出国旅行。

    820.No problem,I love it.Thank you for granting me the interview.

    Dialogue A
    (I=Interviewer  主试人  A=  Applicant 申请人)

    A:Good afternoon,Sir.

    I:Good afternoon.Sit down,please.

    A:Thank you.

    I:You are Mr. Dongfang Cheng?  I am Henry Hudson.

    A:Yes.Nice to meet you,Mr. Hudson.

    I:To start with,  tell me about your education,please.

    A:All right.I graduated from Shanghai College of Foreign Trade six years ago.I majored in international trade.

    I:Very well.Did you work in a similar position before?

    A:  Yes.I have been with ABC Insurance Company for four years.

    I:Could you tell me the usual procedures to handle such case?

    A:Yes,on the shipper's side,when the cargos arrived,all relevant documents will be forwarded to the consignee.Among other things,this party had to check carefully content of the packing list and the weight list.When cargos is found to be damaged or shortlanded,this party has to call for a joint sur-vey by representatives of the shipping company and the insurance agent.Based on the survey report,they will lodge a claim for compensation.

    I:Very good.Now if you act as our representative what would you do to safeguard our interest?

    A:I think,first of all,  I will ask the consignee to produce survey report on loading,if they can't produce that I suggest them to refer the case to their shipper.Meanwhile,bad weather could be a good excuse to refuse the responsibility.

    I:Are you able to operate the telex?

    A:Yes,I used to dispatch telex to shipper and their consignee to inform them change of our schedule and other information.

    I:Have you travelled a lot in your work?

    A:Yes.I have travelled dozens of times abroad.I have been to countries as Thailand,  Singapore,
    Japan,Indonesia,Burma,the Netherlands,Denmark,Italy,Germany and England.

    I:Now tell me if you have a good command of both written and spoken English.

    A:When I was at college,I passed Band six of College English Test.All the foreign business men I
    have dealt with say my English is quite good.

    I:May I ask why you want to change jobs?

    A:Because I wish to get a more challenging opportunity at your company.

    I:Why are you interested in this company?

    A:A friend of mine works here,and he told me about your company, so I became interested.I think working in this company would provide me with a good opportunity to use my knowledge.

    I:What do you know about this company?

    A:This company is one of the biggest shipping companies in the world.There are a lot of branches in
    all parts of the world,with the head office in the USA,Shanghai Office was established four years ago.

    I:Good.By the way,would you describe yourself as extroverted or more introverted?

    A:I think I am quite outgoing.I like cooperation with others,and getting the job done by working together.

    I:Do you have any hobby?

    A:Yes,I like sports and music.

    I:So far,so good.I think you'd like to know about the remuneration.The starting salary for the head
    of Claim Department in this company is RMB 5,000 yuan per month,  and raises are given after
    six months according to your ability.We provide fringe benefits such as annual bonus,  three-
    week paid vacation a year,and health insurance.Are these satisfactory?

    A:Yes,these are quite satisfactory.

    I:Do you have any questions about the job?

    A:I was told that some of your Chinese employees are sent to the United States to attend the training program provided by the head office.I'd like to know how you choose employees to at-tend the program.

    I:Almost all Chinese employees are eligible to attend the training course,but as the number of trainees at one time is limited,we select them on their merits.

    A:One more question,are there any chances for Chinese employees to be transferred to the head office or other branch offices around the world?

    I:Certainly.There would be good chances for you to work over-seas,I think,if you are really a capable man.How about the job?Are you really interested?

    A:Sure.I'll do my utmost if I am employed by this company.

    I:It has been pleasant talking with you,Mr. Cheng.We'll notify you of our final decision within one week.

    A:Thank you,  Mr. Hudson,  for your interview with me.I hope to see you again.


    Notes  注释

    1.You are Mr. Dongfang Cheng?
    你是程东方先生吗? 这句是陈述句语序的疑问句,读时句末语调上升。

    2.I have been to countries as Thailand,Singapore, Japan,Indonesia, Burma, the Netherlands, Denmark,  Italy,  Germany and England. 我去过国家有泰国、新加坡、日本、印度尼西亚、缅甸、荷兰、丹麦、意大利、德国和英国。
    3.This company is one of the biggest shipping companies in the world There are a lot of branches in all parts of the world,with the head office in the USA. 贵公司是世界上最大的船务公司之一,总部在美国,分支机构遍布世界各地。

    4.So far,so good. 到目前为止,一切都很顺利。

    5.We provide fringe benefits such as annual bonus,three-week paid vacation a year,and health insurance.

    6.Almost all Chinese employees are eligible to attend the training course,but as the number of trainees at one time is limited,we select them on their merits. 几乎所有中国雇员都有资格参加培训课程,但由于一次参加培训的人数有限,我们只好依照 他们的业绩来挑选。

    7.One more question,… 还有一个问题……

    Words and Expressions

    major in 主修……
    procedure n.程序,过程
    shipper n.寄货人,发货人
    consignee n.收货人,受托人
    the packing list  装箱单
    the weight list 重量单
    cargo n.货物
    insurance agent 保险代理人
    survey  v.n.检查,调查
    survey report 验货报告书
    telex n.电传挂号
    produce v.拿出,出示
    the head office 总部,总公司
    eligible a.合格的,合适的
    on their merits 根据他们的业绩
    transfer n.v.转移,调动

    Lesson 45 About the Job of a Senior Production Planner 关于高级生产管理人员职务

    821.Excuse me,  is this personnel division? 劳驾,请问这是人事部吗?

    822.I came about your advertisement for a senior production planner. 我是来应聘你们广告的招聘高级生产管理人员的。

    823.  Is there any still available now? 还有空缺职位吗?

    824.Here is my resume. 这是我的简历。

    825.What degree do you have now? 你获得了什么学位?

    826.I have the degree of the Master of Applied Mathematics. 我获得了应用数学硕士学位。

    827.Why are you interested in the position? 你为什么对这一职位感兴趣?
    828.Because I read your advertisement in the newspaper last week.It says that you need a senior production planner,who is fluent in English and good at mathematics.I think I'm fit for the position.
    因为我读了你们在上周报纸上的招聘广告,上面说要招一名高级生产企划人员,英语流利 并擅长数学。我认为我适合这一职位。

    829.For the past six years,I've been dealing with foreigners in English so my ability to write and speak English is out of question, and what's more, I'm sure my major would be of great use for the position. 过去的六年中,我一直用英语与外国人打交道,所以我英语口语和书面语的应用能力是不 成问题的。此外,我肯定我的所学专业对这一工作一定会很有用处。

    830.I'm quite happy in my present work,indeed.But it's known to all yours is a great company of high prestige.I hope I would have more responsibility and improve my position. 我目前的工作还是让我很开心的,真的。但人人都知道贵公司是声名远扬的大公司。我希 望能承担更多的责任,找到更好的工作。

    831.Excuse me for interrupting,  but could you tell me what types of people you like to work with?

    832.To tell you the truth,I can cooperate with various people.People say I'm a good-natured person.But, of course,I especially enjoy working with people who are responsible,friendly and helpful. 说真话,我能和各种各样的人合作。人们说我是个性子很好的人,但是,当然,我特别喜 欢与有责任感、待人友好、乐于助人的人一起工作。

    833.  What section would you like to work in if you enter this company? 你如果进入本公司,你希望在哪个部门工作?

    834.I wish to work in the planning department. 我希望在计划部工作。

    835.What type of work will you expect to do at first? 你希望起初干什么工作?

    836.I want to design the corporate identity. 我想设计企业形象。

    Dialogue A
    (I=Interviewer 主试人  A=Applicant  申请人)

    A:Excuse me,  is this personnel division?

    I:Yeah.What can I do for you?

    A:I came about your advertisement for a senior production planner.I there any still available?

    I:Oh,  yes.  Won't you sit down?  What's your surname?

    A:My surname is Liu.

    I:What's your first name,Mr Liu?

    A:It's Zhiliang.

    I:I'm the director of personnel devision of the company,  Mr. Brown.

    A:How do you do,Mr Brown? I:How do you do,  Mr Liu? A:  Here is my resume.
    I:Fine.You've been in the States about six years,  haven't you?

    A:Yes,I came to study in Princeton University in 1989. I:Who was the advisor of your research programme? A:Professor Smith.
    I:What degree do you have now? A:Master of Applied Mathematics. I:Why are you interested in the position?
    A:Because  I  read  your  advertisement  in  the  newspaper  last  week.It  says  that  you  need  a  senior production planner,who is fluent in English and good at mathematics.  I think I'm fit for the position.For the past six years,  I've been dealing with foreigners in English,so my ability to write and speak English is out of question,  and what's more,  I'm sure my major would be of great use for the position.

    I:I see.Are you satisfied with your present work in Tulane University?

    A:I'm quite happy in my present work,  indeed.  But it's known to all yours is a great company of high prestige.I hope I would have more responsibility and improve my position…

    I:Excuse me for interrupting,but could you tell me what types of people you like to work with?

    A:To tell you the truth,I can cooperate with various people.People say I'm a good-natured person.But of course.  I especially enjoy working with people who are responsible,friendly and helpful.

    I:That's good.Do you have any particular conditions that you would like our company to take into consideration?

    A:  No,  nothing in particular.

    I:All right.If we decided to hire you,we'd pay you two thousand and five hundred yuan a month at the start.You can have Saturdays and Sundays off.Becides,you may have a paid month holiday every year.How do you think about it?

    A:As regards salary,I leave it to you to decide after experience of capacity.

    I:Well,we'll give you our decision in a couple of days.It's a pleasure to talk to you,Mr. Liu.

    A:Thank you,  Mr Brown.I really appreciate your assistance.

    Notes  注释
    1.I'm the director of personnel division of the company,  Mr. Brown. 我是本公司人事部主任布朗。

    2.Who was the advisor of your research programme? 你的研究项目的导师是谁?

    3.Are you satisfied with your present work in Tulane Universi-ty? 你对目前你在杜兰大学的工作满意吗?

    4.…a great company of high prestige. 一家极具声誉的大公司。

    5.No,nothing in particular. 不,没有什么特别的事情。

    6.You can have Saturdays and Sundays off. 你星期六、星期天不上班。

    7.As regards salary,I leave it to you to decide after experience of capacity. 至于薪水,还是留给你对我的能力了解之后再做决定。

    Words and Expressions

    yeah ad.英语口语,相当于  
    yes surname n.姓
    the States 即  the United States,美国
    advisor n.导师
    out of question 不成问题,毫无疑问
    fluent a.流利的
    what's more 另外,而且
    of great use 具有很大用途
    a good-natured person 一个性格很好的人
    nature n.此处指性格
    take into consideration 把……考虑进去
    capacity n.能力


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